R.E paper 2 Flashcards
Religious pluralism
A situation where people of many faiths live in
the same society without conflict, respecting one another’s views.
Made up of many different cultures, which may
include different nationalities, beliefs, values and social customs.
intrinsic value
Something that has value for its own sake, for example, human life in the Sanctity of Life Principle.
The state of being self-governed/self-ruled/free from
external control or influences.
Categorical Imperative
An absolute/categorical (undeniable), unconditional, moral command; for example, Do not murder, do not steal, do not lie.
A general guideline or principle of action.
Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.
Summum bonum
The highest/supreme good: the culmination of Kant’s ethics where virtue meets its appropriate reward of perfect happiness.
A presupposition or assumption which you must have accepted in order to make sense of your moral choices.
the three ‘postulates of practical reason
God, freedom and immortality,
Ought implies can
the Categorical Imperative that we ought to do our moral duty implies that we can do our moral duty.
Humans genetically engineered to have (when the technology develops) advanced intellectual, physical and psychological powers.
relating to death, judgement, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind.
God’s grace is seen as the free gift of mercy to sinful
humanity, for example, through the atonement made by the suffering and death of Jesus.
when someone is made a member of the clergy in a religious ceremony who are thus then authorized to perform various religious rites and ceremonies.
original sin
evil supposedly innate in all human beings, held to be inherited from Adam in consequence of the Fall.
justification by works
the belief that a person becomes just before God by the performance of good works
God in consequence of his foreknowledge of all events infallibly guides those who are destined for salvation.
young earth creationists
a literalist approach the Bible and reject any theories that contradict the literal meaning of Genesis
old earth creationists
scientific principles such as evolution and the Big Bang are compatible with a metaphorical interpretation of Genesis.
is an umbrella term which is used to refer to the views of Christians who reject any idea that the Bible is literally the inspired Word of God.