Family+households terms Flashcards
Bean Pole Family
A multigenerational family in which each generation has one or very few members.
living together in a intimate, committed relationship without being officially married.
Commercialisation of Housework
new technology which reduces the amount of domestic labour people have to do at home
Dual Burden
When someone does both paid work and a significant amount of domestic labour. Radical feminists believe mainly women suffer from this.
Extended family
Family beyond the traditional nuclear family, incorporating aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
Gender Roles
we tend to associate the ‘caring role’ with women, and the ‘provider role’ with men.
The increasing interconnectedness of societies across the globe.
Ideological Functions
the superstructure of a civilization: the conventions and culture that make up the dominant ideas of a society.
Matrifocal Household
A family structure in which mothers are the heads of the household and fathers have less power and control in family life
Negotiated Families
Typicaly found in postmodern society, they vary according to the wishes and expectations of their members, who decided what is best for them by discussion. They’re more equal than traditional nuclear families, but more unstable.
Net Migration
The difference between the number of people immigrating to and emigrating from a country.
Nuclear Family
husband and wife and their children, typically living in a one home residence
Serial Monogamy
Where an individual has a string of committed relationships, one after the other.
Primary Socialisation
basic societal norms and customs learned early as a child primarily due to the influene of family and friends
Social Construction of Childhood
The idea that the norms, values and social roles associated with childhood are influenced by society, rather than being determined by the biological age of a child.
Symmetrical Family
Relationship in which family roles are shared equally within the home
Toxic Childhood
Where social changes, especially the invention of new technologies, does increasing amounts of harm to children.
March of progress
The ‘new man’ means couples have an equal share of housework and childcare.
Triple shift
Women not only carry the double burden of paid and domestic work, but also have to do the emotional work
Familistic gender regimes
Policies that are based on the traditional patriarcha; divisions between males and females
Policies based on the belief that husbands and wives should be treated the same.
Cereal packet family
The traditional image of the nuclear family presented through the media involving clearly defined male and female roles.
Dependency Ratio
under 15’s and over 64’s who are unemployed or retired and therefore dependent on the working population
A postmodern idea that people are no longer constrained by traditional norms and values, but instead make personal choices
Moral Panic
The reaction by a group of people based on exaggerated or false perceptions often presented in the media
Having more than one spouse
secondary socialisation
occurs outside of home and is the process of learning common values of wider society.
Total Fertility Rate
The average number of children a woman will have throughout her childbearing years.
Segregated conjugal roles
Husband and wife perform different tasks and have a number of separate interests and activities.