Rbc Flashcards
Abnormal variation in RBC volume or diameter
Large RBC (.8 mm in diameter), MCV . 100 fL
Large oval RBC
Oval macrocyte
Small RBC (,6 mm in diameter), MCV , 80 fL
Abnormal variation in RBC shape
Small, round, dense RBC with no central pallor
RBC with slit-like area of central pallor
Thin, dense, elongated RBC pointed at each end; may be curved
Sickle cell (depranocyte/menisocyte)
RBC with hemoglobin concentrated in the center and around the periphery resembling a target
Target cell (codocyte)
Fragmented RBC caused by rupture in the peripheral circulation
Schistocyte (schizocyte)
RBC fragment in shape of a helmet
Helmet cell (keratocyte)
Small, dense RBC with few irregularly spaced projections of varying length
Acanthocyte (spur cell)
RBC with blunt or pointed, short projections that are usually evenly spaced over the surface of cell; present in all fields of blood film but in variable numbers per field‡
Burr cell (echinocyte)
RBC with a single pointed extension resembling a teardrop or pear
Teardrop cell (dacryocyte)
Dark blue-purple, fine or coarse punctate granules distributed throughout cytoplasm
Basophilic stippling
Dark blue-purple dense, round granule; usually one per cell; occasionally multiple
Howell-Jolly body
Round, dark blue-purple granule attached to inner RBC membrane
Heinz body
Irregular clusters of small, light to dark blue granules, often near periphery of cell
Pappenheimer bodies‡
Rings or figure-eights
Cabot ring
Composition of Inclusion:
Basophilic stippling
Precipitated RNA
Composition of Inclusion:
Howell-Jolly body
DNA (nuclear fragment)
Composition of Inclusion:
Heinz body
Denatured hemoglobin