Bone marrow Flashcards
Location of the bone marrow
cavities of the cortical bones
The bone marrow contains
Stromal cells
Blood vessels
Main function of the bone marrow
Proliferation and production of blood vessel
Projections of calcified bone, radiate out from the bone cortex into the central space
Provides structural support for the developing cells that mature within a sea of interposed mature adipocytes
Haematopoietically active marrow that is composed of developing blood cells and progenitors
Red marrow
During infancy, all bones in the body contain primarily ____
red marrow
hematopoietically inactive marrow composed primarily of adipocytes, with undifferentiated mesenchymal cells and macrophages
Yellow marrow
Capable of reverting back to active marrow in cases of increased demand on the bone marrow, such as in excessive blood loss or hemolysis
Yellow marroe
Between what age does the adipocytes become more abundant and begins to occupy the spaces in the long bones previously dominates by active marrow
5-7 years of age
process of replacing active marrow by adipocytes during development
Retrogression results restriction of the active marrow of what bones:
Proximal portion of the long bones
Ratio of the red marrow to the yellow marrow typically decreases with age
Marrow cellularity
Originate from mesenchymal cells that migrate into the central cavity of bone
Stromal cells
Broad, flat cells that form a single continuous layer along the inner surface of the arteries, veins, and vascular sinuses
Epithelial cells