Organs In The Stages Of Hematopoiesis Flashcards
One of the largest organs ni the body
Bone marrow
Location: Cavities of the calicotr bones
Bone marrow
The bone marrow contains
Hematopoietic stem cells
Stromal cells
Blood cessels
Main Function: proliferation and production of blood cell
Bone marrow
Projections of calcified bone, radiate out from the bonecortex into the central space. Provide structural support for the developing blood slcel that mature within as e a o finterposed mature adipocytes
hematopoietically active marrow that is composed of developing blood cells and progenitors
Red marrow
hematopoietically inactive marrowcomposed primarilyof adipocytes, with undifferentiated mesenchymal cells and macrophages
Yellow marrow
capable of reverting back to active marrow ni cases of increased demand on the bone marrow, such as in excessive blood lossor hemolysis
Yellow marrow
process of replacing active marrow by adipocytes (yellow marrow) during development. Results restriction of the active marrow in the adult to the sternum, vertebrae, scapulae, pelvis, ribs, skull and proximal portion of the long bones
ratio of the red marrowtotheyellow marrowtypically decreases with age
Marrow cellularity
Originate from mesenchymal cells that migrateinto the central cavity of bone
Stromal cells
Broad, flat cells that form a single continuous layer along the inner surface of the arenes, veins, and vascular sinuses
Endothelial cells
Regulate the flow of particles entering and leaving hematopoietic spaces ni thevascular sinuses
Endothelial cells
Are large cells with a single fat vacuole and They play a role ni regulating the volume of the marrow in which active hematopolesis occurs
Secrete cytokines or growth factors that positively stimulate HSC members and bonehomeostasis
Main functions of red marrow
Production of Blood cells
Iron storage
B-cell development
develop ni small clusters, a n d the more mature forms are located adjacent to the outer surfaces fo the vascular sinuses
Erythroid precursors/ Erythroblasts
are located adjacent ot the walls of the vascular sinuses, which facilitates the release of platelets into the lumen of the sinus
provide nutrients for t h eosseus bone and the marrow
Periosteal arteries
The arteriole branches that enter the inner lining of the cortical bone (endosteum) form ____ which connect ot periosteal capillaries that extend from the periosteal artery
sinusoids (endosteal beds)
Cells that is located ni the end-osteal bed receive their nutrients from the nutrient artery
Hematopoietic cells
Major site of cell production in the second trimester of fetal development
Function of this organ includes protein synthesis and degradation, CHO and lipid metabolism, drug and toxin clearance, iron recycling and storage, hemoglobin degradation, in which bilirubin is conjugated and transported to the small intestine for eventual excretion
maintain contact with the endothelial cell lining. It removes senescent cells and foreign debris from the blood that circulates through the liver
Kupffer cells