Pulmonary Infections Flashcards
Name the different types of organisms that can cause lobar pneumonia and their radiology finding.
Strep pneumonia - peripheral homo opacity with or without air bronchograms
Klebsiella - similar to strep or scattered focal hetero opacities
Legionella - similar to strep with round and mass like appearance
Actinomycosis - hono opacity as lobar pneumonia , cavitation common
Nocardia - unifocal and multi focal consolidation, similar to CA and mets
Moraxella - lobar or segmental homo opacity
Chlamydial - small to large homo opacity and perihilar or basal reticular opacities
Francis Ella - scattered airspace consolidation, hilarious adenopathy and pleural effusion
Name the different types of organisms that can cause bronchopneumonia and their radiology features.
SA - hetero opacities in scattered multifocal and bilateral distribution. Pleural effusion, empyema and cavitations common
Gram - - similar to SA, affects lower lobes
What are the x-ray features of anerobic pneumonia?
Hetero opacity in lung segments, uni or bilateral. Empyema common.
May develop abscess in apucoposterior segment of upper lobe and superior segment of lower lobe
What are the x-ray features of primary Tb?
Similar to strep pneumonia. Any lobe.
Nodal enlargement, ipsilateral hilar or mediastinal.
Nodes may cause segmental collapse mostly anterior segment of right upper love and middle lobe
Large pleural effusion, military TB
What are the x-ray findings of PCP?
Bilateral diffuse symmetrical fine to medium reticular opacities
10% chance of pneumatocoles.
X-ray features of Kaposi Sarcoma.
Poorly defined peribronchial vascular nodular opacity, 10 to 20mm. Can be solitary or multiple.
Coarse linear opacities scattered throughout lungs esp in perihilar and lower lungs. Kerley B lines present.
Pleural effusion s and lymphadenopathy may be present