Psychological treatments Flashcards
Three faulty procedures discussed in cognitive analytical therapy
Faulty procedure in cognitive analytical therapy that involves a negative cycle where a behaviour feeds back into perpetuating it further
Faulty procedure in cognitive analytical therapy involving false or falsely narrowed choices
Faulty procedure in cognitive analytical therapy involving reasons people give themselves to not change their circumstances or behaviour, or self-sabotaging behaviours
Type of psychological therapy developed by Anthony Ryle
Cognitive analytical therapy
Type of psychological therapy which focuses on identifying procedural sequences (chains of events etc. that explain why a negative behaviour continues) and reciprocal roles (identification of problems as existing between people, not with individual people)
Cognitive analytical therapy
Type of therapy that uses traps, snags and dilemmas
Cognitive analytical therapy
Number of sessions cognitive analytical therapy usually lasts for
Type of psychological therapy developed by Marsha Lineham
Dialectical behavioural therapy
Specific condition dialectical behavioural therapy is used for
Borderline personality disorder
Type of therapy which combines cognitive behavioural techniques with reality testing and aims to regulate emotions and tolerate distress better. Also incorporates mindfulness and the development of interpersonal relational skills
Dialectical behavioural therapy
Religion DBT is based on
Number of sessions interpersonal therapy is usually given for
Four situations interpersonal therapy specifically looks at
Grief after loss
Conflict in significant relationships
Difficulties in adapting to life changes/role transitions
Social isolation
Condition interpersonal therapy was designed to treat
Condition behavioural activation therapy was designed to treat
Type of psychological therapy where patients create a list of behaviours ranked by difficulty and then attempt to move through the hierarchy of activities
Behavioural activation therapy
Type of psychological therapy where patients are encouraged to challenge cognitive distortions
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Cognitive-behavioural model of thinking where things are viewed as either black or white
All or nothing thinking
Cognitive-behavioural model of thinking where someone worries about worrying
Cognitive-behavioural model of thinking where someone jumps to an erroneous conclusion without looking at all the evidence; common in people with paranoid personality traits
Arbitrary inference
Cognitive-behavioural model of thinking where there is a tendency to focus on only negative aspects of either themselves or the world around them
Selective attention
Type of therapy which uses a session on aphorisms
Dialectical behavioural therapy
Associated with the structural model of family therapy
Associated with the family systems approach to family therapy
Family therapy type which believes there are eight interlocking concepts to family dynamics including multigenerational transmission process, emotional cutoff and sibling position
Family systems approach
Associated with paradoxical therapy and the double bind theory of schizophrenia
Associated with the Milan systemic approach to family therapy
Type of family therapy which focuses on multigenerational family patterns and how family members have interacted over generations
Milan systemic family therapy
Type of family therapy which uses reframing and the domino effect
Strategic systemic therapy
Developed strategic systemic therapy
Type of family therapy which is based on the assumption that symptoms are maintained by behaviours that were initially adopted to suppress those symptoms
Strategic systemic therapy
Type of therapy which involves the patient intentionally engaging in an undesirable behaviour
Paradoxical therapy
Type of family therapy which uses circular questioning among family members
Milan systemic approach
Types of therapy recommended for patients with anorexia nervosa
Cognitive analytical therapy
Interpersonal therapy
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Types of therapy recommended for challenging behaviour in patients with dementia
Multisensory stimulation
Types of therapy recommended in PTSD
Eye movement desensitisation therapy
Trauma focused CBT
Developed psychodrama
Group leader or therapist’s role within psychodrama
Patient exploring their emotional conflict within psychodrama
Described the foundation matrix - the shared network of mental processes that allows communication within a group
Described 11 curative factors that influence change in groups
Within a cognitive analytical therapy model, repetitive interpersonal relationships a patient becomes involved in e.g. abused with an abuser
Reciprocal role procedure
Two levels of thoughts/behaviours in cognitive behavioural therapy
Cognitive errors/automatic thoughts
Core schemas
Developed EMDR
Developed psychotherapy which focused on two ‘triangles’ - the triangle of person and the triangle of defence
Therapies most recommended for borderline personality disorder
Dialectic behavioural therapy
Mentalisation based therapy
Therapeutic communities
Therapies most recommended for patients with schizophrenia
Art therapy
Psychotherapeutic intervention associated with counter conditioning
Systematic desensitisation
Most effective first line talking therapy for a patient with OCD
Exposure and response prevention