Proverbs Flashcards


Proverbs 3:5 (NRSV)
“[5] Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.”


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. We do not take the Word of God and bring it to our own understanding. When we walk in the spirit, we walk by faith. It is by faith, and the Holy Spirit that gives us the understanding through the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit connects us from one scripture to the next and shows us the big picture, and gives us the perfect understanding.

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Proverbs 4:22 (NRSV)
“[22] For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.”


The Word of God will give us life and health. The Word of God is medicine.

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Proverbs 4:23 (NRSV)
“[23] Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.”


Be careful what you think, your thoughts make and shape your life. What are you thinking about your spouse, your children, your job, your finance, yourself, etc? The moment you allow negative thoughts, for example, if you’re thinking, “My husband is violent, he doesn’t love me, he’s addicted, etc. The thoughts that you are thinking are what the devil wants you to ponder. He put those thoughts to accuse you, to make you speak negatively towards your husband. The moment you ponder and think these thoughts in your heart, out of the abundance of your heart, your mouth speaks, and what is in your mind comes out of your mouth. There is an inner man that no one can see except God.

Who are you having a relationship with? Who are you talking to inside of you? Are you talking about love, joy, or about your husband? “My husband loves me, I love my husband. We are in unity, there is nothing wrong with my husband and he is perfect.” That is what God wants us to think all the time, to be a blessing, and to share love with everyone. In my mind, if I am angry and upset, I cannot be a blessing because that is not of God. We are created in His image and likeness. God is Love and He created us as love. Anything besides Love, we cannot handle, we are out of the garden and God cannot help us. Any negative thoughts that we have, from judging or complaining, mumbling, worry, stress, or fear; are not from God. The moment we think wrongly or speak negative words that come to our minds, we are in sin. Anything that is not faith is sin.

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Proverbs 4:20 (NRSV)
“[20] My child, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings.”


Always keep it in your heart. Everything is in your heart. How do you get rid of thoughts that speak to you? For example, if the doctors give you a bad report and read it out to you. Those negative words keep playing in your mind and the devil wants us to be distracted by what people say. He uses our loved ones, for example, he puts thoughts into your husband’s mind making him feel that his wife does not love him, that she’s lazy; and that is because of lack of knowledge. He feeds your husband’s mind with thoughts and your husband starts accusing you. That’s why, if you notice when we look at each other, we always point out the wrong in each other and look at each other’s weaknesses. We never talk about the good in each other. That’s the devil, and his plan and purpose are to destroy us. We must outsmart him, and we must know his plan, his strategy, and be alert.

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Proverbs 3:6 (NRSV)
“[6] In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”


We must acknowledge the Holy Spirit and give him first place in everything. For example, she decided to go to a particular shop to buy her face cream, but then the Holy Spirit convicted her to go to a shop that has it on sale for half price because the Holy Spirit knows how much money she has in her pocket. She doesn’t listen to her mind, only her heart. When she was about 8 months old in the Word, she asked God to teach her how to hear His voice. She had to empty herself and not think with her mind but lean on God, and every time she is unsure about something, she asks God. He is in her mind speaking to her or she is hearing His voice. And when she hears His voice again and again, she knows for sure that God is talking to her.

For example, she goes to church and is praying in tongues. The Holy Spirit convicts her and tells her to go and tell that mother sitting there that her son has been accepted in the school that she applied for. Sr. Samantha turns around, looks, and can see a mother with her son. Again, she starts praying in tongues and the Holy Spirit prompts her again to go and tell the mother. She turns around for the third time, looks at them, and then walks up to the mother and says “Hello, How are you, God Bless you, sister.” She asked the mother if she had applied for her son to go to school and whether he is waiting for an interview. She told her that she just wanted to let her know that her son has already been accepted in the school that she had applied for. The mother just knelt, broke down, and cried. Do you know why?

You need to practise with little things, asking God, “Would you like me to pray in tongues or would you like me to listen to the teaching?” Every day, she asks the Holy Spirit what He is going to teach her or whether He could explain something to her. So, when she sits with her transistor and reads her Bible, she reads scripture that she did not know the meaning of and just asks the Holy Spirit to explain to her. For example, ‘The Parable of the Gold Coins’ in Luke 19:11-27. The coin is your salvation. The time is your age, no matter how old you are when you accept Jesus as the Lord and Saviour of your life, you receive salvation.

Sr. Samantha is obedient to the Holy Spirit. Even when she is getting dressed, she asks for the Holy Spirit’s opinion. He tells her what to wear even though she might not like it, but she is obedient towards Him and when she meets somebody, they compliment her. In her mind, she just smiles at the Holy Spirit.

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