Colossians Flashcards


Colossians 1:13 (NRSV)
“[13] He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son.”


God has taken us out from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of His dear Son, the Kingdom of Light, so we overcome every situation. Everywhere we go, we have no fear because Jesus is the One who is far greater than the one in the world. He gives us the ability and we are under His grace. He gave us the authority and power to cast out demons, heal the sick, set people free from darkness, but we need to know how the spiritual realm works. Just as in the physical world, according to the natural law of gravity, if something falls from our hands, it falls to the ground. It does not fall up, it falls to the ground.

Just as you know there is a law and if you are going to jump from the 21st floor, you are going to die. You know the law and you did not follow it, so you face the consequences and that is what is going to happen to you. In the spiritual realm, it is exactly the same. “Life and death is in the power of our tongue.” Don’t speak negative words. Don’t speak anything that curses and hurts other people. Speak blessing and life to others. Don’t speak negative words, anything that is cursing other people. Speak blessing and life that comes from our thoughts. Whatever is in your heart comes out of your mouth. So, I need to control my words every time. That’s why the devil knows that the moment we learn the Truth we can control our words and know what to say, so that we may have victory in our lives. That’s why the devil puts so much pressure in every direction and he uses our minds, our loved ones, our children, our bosses; and strangers just to come and insult us, to trigger our emotions. What is inside of us is the love of God and every spiritual blessing, that is peace, joy, and prosperity. However, the moment we trigger our emotions and use our feelings which turn into anger and bitterness, we now operate in the kingdom of the devil. That is why we receive nothing from the Lord because we are not operating in the Kingdom of Light, we are now operating in the kingdom of darkness. That’s why the devil pulls us back and keeps us in the darkness by speaking negative things. Any negative words like anger, bitterness are all in Galatians 5:19. That’s the nature and character of our own self.

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