Prosthodontics: Maxillary & Mandibular Edentulous Anatomy Flashcards
Maxillary Labial Frenum
At or adjacent to midline
Maxillary Buccal Frenum
Either Side of Alveolar Ridge
* orbicularis oris
* buccinator
Maxillary Labial Vestibule
Anterior to the 2 buccal Frena
Maxillary Buccal Vestibule
Posterior to buccal frenum to hamular notch
Hamular Notch
soft tissue
* distal end of maxilla
* pterygoid hamulus
Vibrating Line
Pt says AHH=Location
* from hamular notch to hamular notch
* 2mm away from fovea palatini
Buttery Fly Line
Junction b/w hard and soft palate
* anterior to vibrating line
Valsalva maneuver: butterfly line balloons down
* hold nose and try to blow through nose
Posterior Palatal Seal
part of denture that compresses soft tissue of palate=suction
Anterior Boundary=Butterfly Line
Posterior Boundary=Vibrating Line
Cornoid Notch
DB part of maxillary impression/denture
Pt moves jaw side to side during border molding
* Coronoid notch slides past DB region of impression
Pterygomandibular Raphe
Pt opens wide to capture on posterior part of impression
* buccinator m.
* superior pharyngeal constrictor
What are the 2 most important movements for upper impressions?
Move the Mandible Left/Right
* coronoid process glides past the distobuccal corners of denture
Open mouth wide
* pterygomandibular raphe tightens and molds impression in back
Mandibular Labial Freenum
* orbicularis oris
Mandibular Buccal Freenum
Orbicularis oris
Lingual Freenum
Mandibular Labial Vestibule
Anterior to buccal frena
Mentalis Muscle (Chin)=inferior border
Mandibular Buccal Vestibule
Posterior to buccal frena
Buccinator m=inferior border
Retromolar Pad
marks the distal extension of edentulous ridge
* Ideally covered for support and retention (bc bone integrity is maintained)
* temporalis m.
* buccinator m.
* superior pharyngeal constrictor
* pterygomandibular raphe
Masseteric Notch
DB area on mandibular impression/denture (analogous to hamuler notch)
*Masseter contracts when the mouth closes against resistance
Have pt close against resistance to capture in border molding
* prevents masseter from impinging on overextended DB corner of denture
Alveolingual Sulcus
B/w mandibular alveolar ridge and tongue
2 S’s (Vertical S & horizontal S)
3 Regions:
Anterior Region: From lingual freenum to premylohyoid fossa
* First curve in the S
* Sublingual gland sits above mylohyoid muscle
* Want shorter flange
Middle Region: From premylohyoid fossa to distal end of mylohyoid ridge
* 2nd curve of S
* Flange is deflected medially away from the mandbible
* due to mylohyoid ridge & contraction of mylohyoid medially
Posterior Region: extends into retromylohyoid fossa
*Mylohyoid attaches higher the more posterior you go, but posterior fibers are directed vertically
* Flange= longer and deflected laterally towards the mandibular ramus=3rd curve of S
* extension is limited by palatoglossus and superior constrictor muscles
Buccal Shelf
Main Support for Denture
* Perpendicular to occlusal forces
* lateral to posterior alveolar ridge
Attaches: Buccinator