Practice Management Flashcards
What are the ADA’s Principles of Ethics?
Autonomy: Self-governance
Nonmaleficence: Do no harm
Beneficence: Do good
Justice: Fairness
Veracity: Truthfulness
Self Governance
* Pt’s right to self determination & privacy
Tx: Pt’s desires w/in the bounds of acceptable tx
* Obligated to involve pt in their won decision
- Safeguard confidentiality of pt records (HIPAA Privacy Rule)
Informed Consent
Dentist is required to share info with the pt & obtain consent
* nature of procedure
* Benefits vs risks
* alternative tx options (include no tx)
* Not cost of tx
<18: can give implied consent, or assent, but NOT actual consent
Exception: if emancipated or Emergency situation
* Pregnant
* Parent
* Military
Patient Records
* owned and kept by the dentist
* Keep as long as possible
* Legally: 7 years after pt is out of your practice
* Pt has the right to copies of charts/x-rays
Risk Management
Always weigh risk vs Benefits for your practice
Documentation=most essential component
* Specific
* Objective
* Complete
* Timely
* Written by yourself, for your own Tx
* Never delete or change records–> Make addendums & strikethroughs
* Dont write anything you dont want to be read out loud in court
Do No Harm
Keep skills & knowledge up to date w/CE
* Know limits and refer difficult cases to a specialist
Do Good
Act for the benefit of others
* Promote patient welfare
Same ethical standards no matter what the financial arrangement is
Be Fair in dealing w/pt, colleagues, & Society
*deal w/patients justly
* deliver care w/o prejudice
Never Slander another dentist
Be Honest & Trustworthy w/public
* respect trust in dentist-patient relationship
Must not represent:
* Care being rendered
* Fees charged
* any form of advertising in a false or misleading way
Statute of Limitations
Laws that set the max time after an event that legal proceedings can start
Occurrence Rule: SOL starts after the event occurred
Discovery Rule SOL starts after the event is discovered
Expert Testimony: expert in dentistry
* testify to existing Standard of care and how it was breached
Fact Witness: Someone who was there
Good Samaritan Act
Legal Protection to:
health professionals & others that assist people who are
* injured
* ill
* in peril
* Incapacitated
Active Listening
* w/no distraction
* Ask questions
Lean forward
Maintain good eye contact
Mutual Sense of trust & Openness
* Be human
* ask about pt’s interests
Disclose personal info when appropriate
Ability to understand and share the feelings of others
* acknowledge their concerns and be open minded
* share personal experiences
* reroute the focus on yourself
Nonverbal Communication
Continuous, automatic, & informative
What is the most common nonverbal reaction of discomfort?
Eye & eyebrow movement=1st & most common run of discomfort
Verbal Communication:
Simple, specific, & direct
Help pt make informed decision:
* Don’t just advise
Don’t falsely reassure!
* Say “Everything will be fine, don’t worry”
Clinical Interviewing
Ask open ended Q’s
* pt explains what important to them
* Closed Questions: Elicit more speicific info
Probing: gather additional info
Laundry List: Ask pt to respond from a list of choices
Leading questions=Bad
* directs the pt to respond a certain way
Treatment planning
Present in descending order of desire
* only present options that are consistent w/your standard of care
* Verify pts understanding (Teach-back method)
ABC Model Of Behavior Change
* Factor that Facilitates behavior
* ex: Food stuck b/w your teeth
B=Behavior itself
* ex: flossing your teeth to get food out
C=Consequences of behavior
* ex: relief
Stages of Behavior Change
- Precontemplation:
* Not considering change - Contemplation:
* **Considering change - Preparation:
* Preparing to take steps
* Desire to change - Action:
* taking action towards behavior change
*requires support - Maintenance:
* maintain changed behavior
Social Cognitive Theory
=motivation to change is influenced by several factors
- Self-Efficacy:
* Cognitive Perception that YOU can execute behaviors necessary for a situation
* Positive Affirmation-tell yourself you can do something - Behavioral Modeling:
* Learn proper behavior from models - Social Reinforcement:
* Positive social consequences
Types of Behavioral Learning
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Observational Learning
Classical Conditioning
Based on Stimuli
*ex: Pavlov’s dog
Condition a neutral stimulus using an unconditioned stimulus
Operant Conditioning
Based on consequences
Positive Reinforcement:
* Do a good thing, get rewarded
Negative Reinforcement:
* Do a good thing, remove bad stimulus
Positive Punishment:
* Do a bad thing, get punished
Negative Punishment:
* Do a bad thing, remove a good stimulus
Observational Learning
Based on Modeling
=Acquire a skill by observing someone else doing it
Behvior Strategies
Change the antecedent (Class floss on the nightstand as a reminder)
Alter consequences
* reward yourself w/videogames after your floss
SHAPING: Set small attainable goals
PREEMACK PRINCIPLE: Make a behavior that has a higher probability of being formed contingent on a behavior w/a lower probability of being performed
Ability to change depends on Lucas of control (Internal & external motivation)
Motivational Interviewing
=Person-centered counsel style
* assist the resolution From ambience to change
O: Open questions
A: Affirmations
R: Reflective Listening
S: Summarizing
Stages of Motivational Interviewing
- Engaging:
* Forming a Relationship - focusing:
* Explore Motivation, goals, and values - Evoking:
* Eliciting their own motivations - Planning:
* Exploring how one might move toward change
* Sustain talk: not ready to change
* Change talk: Favors change
* Commitment talk: Ready to change
Perceived threat to ones well being
More likely to sit still and not say much
* require more interpersonal distance to be comfortable
Stress Management
#1: TRUST: Give pt a sense of control
* tell pt what to expect beforehand
* Develop hand signals
* Time structuring-count down injections
* Knowledge the pts experience
* Empathetic & tactful in initial response
* cognitive behavioral interventions
Coping Strategies
Diaphragmatic breathing:
* Deep Breathing triggers physiologic relaxed response
Progressive Muscle Relaxation:
Guided Imagery:
Systematic Desensitization/Graded Exposure
Rational Response/Reframing/Cognitive coping
Cognitive Appraisal of a threat
How we asses a threat
*how controllable the situation seems to be
* how familiar the situation is
* how predictable the situation is
* situation seems to be approaching
Child Behavior Management
- Create a child-oriented ENVIROMENT
* Toys & Books in waiting area
* Hang posters
* ask about interests
* Silent parent in room - Ask them to be a helper
- Tell-Show-Do
- Ask about fears
- Count
Dental Pain
Anxious patients more likely to report pain & discomfort
Behavioral Pain Management
Start with the Simplest and least invasive procedure first
Give pt choices
Use Hand signals
Respond immediately to signs of discomfort
Pharmacologic Pain Management
* Mild: Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen
* Moderate: Ibuprofen + Acetaminophen
* Severe: Ibuprofen + Acetaminophen +/- Opioid
Nitrous Oxide:
* Sedation before onset=TINGLING
* Side Effects: NAUSEA
IV Sedation
Study of distribution & Determinants of disease
Public Health: Define
Science of Preventing Disease, Prolonging life, & promoting physical health & efficeciency thought organized community efforts
Public Health: Irreversibe & Reversible Measures
Irreversible Measures:
Reversible Measures:
* Gingival Index
* Perio index
* Simplified Oral Hygiene Index
Define dental caries in a population
DMFT: Decayed, Missing and filled permanent teeth as a result of caries
DMFS: Decayed, Missing and filled Surfaces due to caries
DEFT: Decayed, extracted and filled teeth due to Caries
dmfs: Decayed, Missing, or filled primary teeth as a result of caries
Gingival Index
Uses 4 surfaces on 6 indicator teeth
0=Normal gingiva
1=Mild inflammation
2=Moderate inflammation
3=Severe inflammation, ulcerated tissue w/tendency toward spontaneous bleeding
Periodontal Index
A lot of different indices
CPITN: Community Periodontal Index of Treatment needs
1= BOP
2: Calculus
3: Shallow pockets
4: Deep Pocket
doesn’t account for recession, so CAL is inaccurate
Simplified oral hygiene index
Quantifies Debris (DI-S) and Calculus (CI-S)
Oral hygiene ranked as:
* Good
* Fair
* Poor
Early Childhood Caries
Aka baby bottle tooth decay
Define as: 1+ wmfs b/w birth & 72 months old (6 Years)
* most occurs from 3-5 yrs
* Mainly involves MAX INCISORS & PREMOLARS
What is the most common site for Oral Cancer
Stages of Prevention for oral diseases
Primary Prevention:
* Prevent disease before it occurs
* Ex: Sealants, Fl in water
Secondary Prevention:
* Eliminates or Decreases after it occurs
* Ex: Restorations
Tertiary Prevention:
* Rehab a pt after a disease has occured
* ex: Prosth
Community Water Fuoridation
Most cost effective & most practical preventive measure to prevent tooth decay
IDeal: 0.7-1.2 ppm
Schold Water Fluoridation
4.5x concentration of community water
Kids only at school for part of the day, so need Increased Fl
Salt Fluoridation
Not recommended to combine this w/water Fl.
Too much Fl
Fluoride Supplements
</= 3: Fl drops (easier to swallow)
> 3: Fl tabs & lozenges
> 6: Fl mouth rinse
Fluoride Supplement Dosage
Rule of 6’s: No supplemental systemic Fl if:
Fl level in drinking water is >0.6 ppm
Pt is < 6 most old
Pt is > 16 y.o.
Fluoride Toxicity
RULE of 5’s
* Toxic dose: 5mg/kg
* Lethal dose: 5g for adult
children <6 y.o. should be monitored during brushing
Frequency of sugar consumption is more important than amount (Stephan curve)
Proportion of a given population that is affected by that condition at a given time
Cross-sectional study
Survey/measurement taken to represent a snapshot in time
Measures: Prevalence
What are the different types of Longitudinal studies?
Case-Control Sttudy
Prospective Cohort Study
Retrospective Cohort Study
Cross-Sectional Study
People w/a condition(cases) are compared to people without it (Control) in the past (Retrospective study)
Risk of getting. disease w/already known exposure factors
Measures: Odd Ratio
Prospective Cohort Study
Cohortt is followed through time to see who develops a disease
Measures: Incidence & relative risk
Retrospective Cohort Study
Look back after following the cohort & decide what disease you want to look for.
Are you getting consistent results from the tests?
How close to the truth are the results?
Test is Correctly identify the disease
2 S’s in density and disease
Test is Correctly identifying ppl who DONT have the disease (Healthy)
Reject the null hypothesis
Statistically significant
Accept the null hypothesis
Not statistically significant
What type of error: If the Null hypothesis is rejected (P<0.05), but the null hypothesis is true
Type 1 error (alpha)
What type of error: If the Null hypothesis is accepted (P>0.05), but the null hypothesis is false.
Type II Error (Beta)
=Destroy all life forms including bacteria, viruses, and spores
Cold solution used for Heat sensitive items
* requires long soak time
Pressure Sterilization
Aka Autoclave
121C at 15 PSI for 20 mins
Biologic monitors:
* Test strips w. spores to test efficacy
* weekly
Process Indicators:
* Temp and Pressure
* With each load
Dry Heat Sterilization
160C for 60 mins
Ethylene Oxide
Low temp
* can penetrate materials to sterilize prepackaged items (PSP Plates)
Used on living tissue to decrease bacterial load
Antisepsis: Methods
Alcohol: Most common
Chlorhexidine: Substantivity (Continuous long lasting effect)
Detergents: loosen & removes microbes from surface
Quaternary ammonium compounds (Quats): Does not Kill endospores, TB, or non-enveloped viruses
Spaulding Classification System
Critical: Contacts sterile tissue or vascular system
*requires sterilization
* ex: needles
Semi-Critical: Contacts mucosa
* Minimum oh high-level disinfection
* if heat stable material=Sterilization
* Ex: Mouth mirror
Non-Critical: Contacts Skin
* requires disinfection
ex: BP cuff
Airborne Particles
* visible >/= 50 um
* falls w/in 3 ft of pts mouth
* can carry blood borne pathogens (HIV, HEP B/C)
* invisible, < 50 um
* remain floating in air for hours
* can only carry respiratory infections (TB)
Water Lines
Do NOT recommend flushing lines at beginning of clinic. DOESNT MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Anti-retraction valves
*prevent retraction of fluid from a pt into hand piece and water spray
Balance Billing
Dentist charges the remaining balance from total fee and what insurance covered
Balance after deductible + Co-pay + Insurance coverage
Fraud Term (Dentist)
Separating of a dental procedure into component parts
Fraud Term (Dentist)
Reporting a more complex or higher cost procedure than what was actually preformed
Fraud Term (Dentist)
Charging more than legally or ethically acceptable
*Dentist doesn’t charge the copay to the pt, but still bills the insurance company the full fee
Health Maintenance Organization
Insurance option that:
* Limits coverage to care provided through specific providers who are under contract
* Drs are paid on CAPITATION PLAN
Preferred Provider Organization
=Panel of providers who agree to accept less than usual fees in exchange for a higher volume of patients
Open panel plans vs Closed Panel Plans
Open Panel Plans:
* Dentist can see any pt in addition to ppl in the organization system
Closed Panel Plans:
* Dentist is contracted and can ONLY see patients who are members of the HMO.
If you do not obtain informed consent, what happens?
Assault and Battery