IDK Flashcards
Rx for Mild vs Moderate vs Severe Pain Management
Mild: Ibuprofen or acetaminophen
Moderate: Ibuprofen & Acetaminophen
Severe: Ibuprofen &/or acetaminophen & Opioid
Epidemiologic measures
DMFT: irreversible
Gingival Index: Reversible
Periodontal Index: Reversible
Simplified oral hygiene index: Reversible
Define: Caries in a population
DMFT: Decayed, Missing, and filled permanent teeth as a result of caries
DMFS: Decayed, Missing, and filled smooth surfaces due to caries
DEFT: decayed, Extracted, and filled teeth due to caries
dmft: decayed, missing, or filled primary teeth as a result of caries
Gingival Index
Uses 4 surfaces (F, M, D, L gingiva) on 6 indicator teeth
0=Normal gingiva
1-Mild inflammation
2=moderate inflammation
3=severe inflammation, ulcerated tissue w/tendency toward spontanous bleeding
Periodontal Index
CPITN: Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs
3-shallow pockets
4-deep pockets
DOESN”T think of RECESSION—>Inaccurate attachment loss
Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S)
Quantifies the amount of debris (DI-S) and calculus (CI-S)
Oral hygiene:
* Good
* Fair
* Poor
Diseases Processes
Caries=tooth decay
Periodontal disease=gum disease
Oral cancer
Early Childhoood Caries
Old Name=Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
=1 or more dmfs b/w birth & 71 months of age
most commmon
* b/w 3-5 y.o.
* max incisor & molars
5% of US
What is the most common site for cancer in the oral cavity?
Prevention of Oral Diseases: Primary vs Secondary vs Tertiary
* Prevents disease before it happens
* sealants
* water fluoridation
* eliminates or reduces disease after it happens
* ex: Restorations
* rehabilitates a pt after a disease
* prosthodontics
Community Water Fluoridation
Most cost effect & practical way to prevent tooth decay
Optimal AMount: 0.7ppm
* 0.7-1.2ppm=Odorless, colorless, taasteless
210 million in the US
School Water Fluoridation
4.5x community water
* bc only at school for part of day
FL Mouth rinses:
* Another excellent program to do at school
Salt Fluoridation
Developing Countries that don’t have safe public water supply
* 200-350 mg Fluoride per kg of salt
Do not combine water & salt fluoridation
Fluoride Supplements
Rx Only
* For Kids at risk for caries in nonfluoridated areas
</=3 y.o.: Fluoride drops
> 3-6: Fl tablets and lozenges
> 6 y.o.: Fl mouth rinse
No Supplemental Systeic FLuoride if:
Rule of 6’s
Fl level in drinking water > 0.6 ppm
Pt < 6 months old OR
Pt > 16 y.o.
Topical Fluoride
Best for Smooth surfaces
* help w/root caries & ECC
* adehsive
* maximizes Fl-tooth contact w/5% Fl
APF gel:
* pH=3.0
* 1.23% Fl
Stannous FL
Astringent Taste
Extrensic Tooth staining
Fl Toxicity
Rule of 5’s
Toxic Dose: 5 mg/kg
Lethal dose: 5G for an adult (avg 70 kg adult)
Acute TOxicity:
* N & V
* Loss of consciousness
* Cramping
Chronic Toxicity:
* Flurosis of teeth (Abnormal enamel mineraliztion from xs FL exposure)
Best for Occlusal surfacees
Recommend: 1st & 2nd permanent molars for children at risk for caries
Mouth Guards
* prevent tooth trauma
Tooth brushing
Children under 6 y.o. should be supervised
Sugar consumption:
* Frequency is more important than amount
Other Factors:
2. During day or immediately before bedtime
3. length of time sticky residual food remains in mouth
Hiearchy of evidence Based Dentistry
- Meta Analysis
- Systemic Review
- Randomized CLinical Tria
- Cohort Study
- Case-control study
- Cross-sectional study (Case series)
- Case Report
- Ideas, editorial, opinions
- Animal Research
- In vitro studies
Descriptive/Epidemiological Studies
quantify diease status in a community
Analytical/Observational Studies
Determine: Disease etiology
*determine association not causation
Cross-sectional study:
* at 1 pt In time
* prevalence
Longitudinal Study: years of data
* Case-control study
* Prospective cohort sudy
* Retrospective cohort study
Case-Control Study
* Exposure factors after a known disease incidence
Odds ratio
Prospective Cohort Study
Cohort study followed through time
* to see who develops a disease
Relative Risk
Retrospective Cohort Study
Look at cohort after its done
* and choose what disease you want to look for
Relative risk
Experimental Studies
Determine effectiveness of a therapy
Clinical Trial:
* Aim=isolate 1 factor (new drug) & examine its contribution to a pt’s health
* All other facts held constant
Random sampling
Random Allocation
Blinding (single blind (only participants; double bline (Participants/researchers)
Frequency Distributions
Normal Distribution=Bell Shaped
Skewed Distribution: Tail to the R or L
BImodal: 2 peaks
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion
Standard Deviation
Max - Min
How spread out individual values are from the mean
Standard Deviation
square root of variance
greater impact on measures of disperson than central tendency
= TP/(TP+FN)
Stastitical Significance: probability that 2 variables are unrelated
If p<.05=reject the null hypothesis–>Significant
If p>.05=accept the null–> not significant
Null Hypothesis
A hypothesis where the researcher tries to disprove, reject, or nullify
Type 1 vs Type 2 error
Type 1 error=False Positive
Type 2 error=False Negative
Correlation coefficicent=Strength of relationship b/w 2 quantitative variables
* always b/w -1 and +1
* 0=no linear relationship
Chi-Squared Test
* association b/w 2 categorical values
stastical differnce b/w 2 means
* small sample size
stastical difference b/w 2 mean
* large sample size (n>30)
* Known variance
Analysis of Variance
* differences b/w 2 or more means
Qaulitative Variables
* Genotype, Blood type, hair/eye color. Use a Chi square test
Nominal=Names or Labels
Quantitative Variables
* Socioeconomic status, education level, teeth crowding
* use T test, Z test, ANOVA
* Ordinal=ranking (rank this on a scale of 1-10)
* Interval: Range of values (Temp, pH, SAT Score)
* Ratio: Range of values w/clear definition of 0 (Rxn rate, pulse, weight, K)