Endo OSCE Flashcards
How do you perio probe
Insert probe into sulcus until resistance
* parallel to long axis of tooth
* tip against tooth
* .2-.25N of pressure
What does probing assess?
Gingival Health
Cracked Teeth
How do you test and classify mobility?
Miller Classification: Mobility
1. Grade 1: 0.5-1.0 mm (more than normal)
2. Grade 2: 1.0-2.0 mm
3. Grade 3: >2.0 mm Or depressible
What can cause mobility
Loss of Periodontium
Occlusal Trauma
Occlusal trauma
* Greater than normal occlusal forces are placed on teeth
* Normal or excessive occlusal forces placed on perio compromised teeth
Signs of occlusal trauma
Widened PDL
How is occlusion evaluated in endo?
Articulating Paper
What is the most important diagnostic aid
Listening to pt’s chief complaint
How do you perform vitality testing
Cold or EPT
PFM crown
* Can’t be tested accurately
* access prep w/o anesthesia, Vital pulp- surface of restoration or enamel can be penetrated w/o too much discomfort–>if vital=sudden pain w/dentin is reached; Necrotic if no discomfort or pain w/dentin
Cold Test
* Carbon Dioxide snow or refrigerant
* sensitivity=75% (ability to detect pulp necrosis that is verified clinically)
* Specificity=92% (ability to detect normal pulp)
* Sensitivty: 92%
* Specificty: 75%
How to perform percussion testing? What does it assess?
Tap on tooth either parallel or perpendicular to crown
* painful=periapical iinflammation-might be sharp pain
* Percuss neighboring teeth and contralateral
* Neighboring teeth often show some tenderness-spread of cytokine and neuropeptides=lower pain threshold
If pain on chewing
* Bite test-bite down on cotton swab
Sharp, Brief pain on biting
* Tooth slooth or cotton swab
* reproduce symptom
* apply to different cusps until pt recongnized same type of pain=CRACK
* might be hidden under large occlusal restoration
Normal to occlusal percussion but sensitive to lateral percussion
* cause=occlusal prematurity or wear pattern in lateral excursion
How do you perform palpation? What does it assess?
Firm pressure on mucosa over the apex
* how far inflammatory process has extended periapically
* Painful response=Periapical inflammation
What does heat indicate and how is it performed? What are the possible results?
* Warm gutta percha
* Warm water
* Burlew wheel
* Polishing Point
Not as accurate as cold or EPT
Exaggerated and lingering after hold or cold=Irreversible pulpitis
* No response w/other tests=Pulp Necrosis
Stimulate C fibers
What does cold indicate and how is it performed? What are the possible results?
Endo Ice: Tetrafluoethane (- 26 C)
Carbon Dioxide Snow (-98C)
Stimulates A delta fibers
False Negative Response
* happens w/calcific metamorphosis
False Positive:
* cold contacts gingive or transferred to adjacent teeth w/positive pulps
Exaggerated & LIngering reponse=irreversible pulpitis
No response=Pulp Necrosis
CO2 Snow: (-98C)
* Sensitivity=75% (detect pulp necrosis & verified clinically)
* Specificity: 92% (Detect normal pulp)
* Sensitivity: 92%
* Specificity: 75%
What does EPT indicated and how is it performed? What are the possible results? What do the numbers mean?
Directly stimulate nerve fibers w/a gradually increasing current
* Does not cause tubule fluid movement
Advantage: Calcified canals
Disadvantage: only detects vital or non-vital
What is more informative, Cold or EPT?
* can indicate pulp condition
* Only indicate vital or necrotic
What is the rationale for using a control tooth?
What is transillumination? What does it test? What is a positive transillumination? What instrument is used to perform this test?
Identifies longitudinal crown fractures
* Fracture does not transmit light
Mandibular 2nd molar=most commonly cracked tooth
What is the tooth slooth and what is it used for?
Bite test
When pt presents with sharp, brief pain on biting
* Tooth slooth or cotton swab to reproduce
* =Crack
Abnormal Palpation results, percusion results, or bite tests results in what diagnosis
Symptomatic apical periodontitis
Acute apical abscess=swelling present
What is Vista Blue and what is it used for?
Vista Blue
* Detect fractures and hard to find root canal orifices
* unit dose packaging-limit risk of staining
* individual brush tip-used for 1 pt and no sterilization/Throw away
Methylene blue due
* superior pooling and visibility
* preferred over caries indicator dyes for identifying extra and intra-coronal cracks
* Apply w/disposable applicator tip
* Will stain clothing and countertops