High yield Flashcards
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
Melanotic Macules
* hyperpigment macular lesions (Freckles)
* Lips & Mouth
Intestinal polyps
Increased risk of GI Adenocarcinoma
Behcet’s Syndrome
Multisystem vasculitis:
* Oral and genital Aphthous ulcers
* Eye inflammation
Tx: Corticosteroids
Cleft Lip
4-6 weeks in utero
No fusion b/w medial nasal process and maxillary process anteriorly
Usually Left, Unilteral
More common in Males
Tx: Surgically repaired at 3-6 months old
Cleft Palate
6-8 weeks in utero
No fusion b/w palatal shelves
Primary Palate: carries lateral incisor to lateral incisor. Why lateral incisors are missing
Complete CP: No fusion of Both Primary & Secondary palates
Surgical Repair: 6-12 months old
Lip Pits
Invagination at commissures or midline
Commisural Lip Pits: at corner of mouth
Paramedian Lip Pits: Bilateral midline lips
Tx; None
* or Excised for cosmetics
Van der Woude Syndrome
Most common genetic syndrome associated w/Cleft Lip & Palate
Cleft (Lip, palate, or both) + (Paramedial) Lip Pits
Lingual Thyroid
Thyroid TIssue mass at midline base of tongue
- most common location of ectopic thyroid
located along embryonic path of thyroid descent
Tx: None:
* avoid biopsy
Melkerson-Rosenthal Syndrome
=Fissured Tongue + Granulomatous Cheilitis + Facial Paralysis
Think of it as MELS BELLS
* Bells Palsy=another type of facial paralysis w/facial nerve
Rosy Red
* red affecting lips-cheilitis
Sturge-Weber Syndrome
=Angiomas of leptomeninges (Arachnoid & pia Mater) + Skin w/CN V distribution
Neurofibromatosis type I
Aka Von Recklinghausens Disease (Von FRECKLINGhuasen Disease)
=Multiple Neurofibromas
+ Multiple skin freckles (Cafe au lait spots)
+ Axillary Freckles (Crowe’s sign)
+ Iris freckles (Lisch spots/nodules)
neurofibromas can transform to neurofibrosarcomas
Sjogren’s Syndrome
Autoimmune & lymphocyte mediated
* Affects salivary & tear glands
* Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (Dry eyes)
* + Xereostomia
* Primary + another autoimmune disease (Rheumatoid arthritis)
Tx: Symptomatic
Gorlin Syndrome
=Multiple KCOTs (Keratocystic odontogenic tumor)
+ Multiple BCCs (Basal Cell Carcinomas)
+ Calcified Falx Cerebri
+ Fatal Disease
Aka Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma
Gardner Syndrome
=Multiple Odontomas
+ Intestinal Polyps
Autosomal Dominant
* Bone replaced with cystic tissue during growth
* begins at 3 y.o.
* after puberty=Reverse–>Bone fill cystic tissue
Cheeks Enlarge
Symmetrical Bilateral Swelling
* expansile bilateral multilocular RL on ramus
* (histologically identical to CGCG)
Stops growing after puberty
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT)
AkA Olser-Weber-Rendu Syndrome
Abnormal Capillary Formation on skin, mucosa, and viscera
associated with:
* iron deficiency anemia
* Espistaxis (Nose bleeds)=frequent sign
Telangiectasia=red macule or papule from diluted or broken capillaries
Cleidocranial Dysplasia
Autosomal Dominant
* Affects differentiation of osteoblasts
Common Sign:
* Missing/poorly developed clavicles–shoulders appear hunched in towards midline
* Supernumery teeth
* prominent skull with wormian bones
Tx: Alot of Extractoins & Dentures
Ectodermal Dysplasia
X-Linked Recessive
Common Signs:
* Missing Teeth
* Multiple sharp pointed teeth
* Hypoplastic hair or nails
Amelogenesis Imperfecta
Intrinsic alteration of the ENAMEL
* Normal Dentin and Pulp
Teeth can be:
* discolored (yellow/brown)
* pitted
* thin
Type 1: Hypoplastic
*. Affects quantity of enamel
Type 2: Hypomaturation
* affects quality and quantity of enamel
Type 3: Hypocalcified
* affects quality of enamel
Tx: Full coverage crowns for cosmetics
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta
Autosomal Dominant
Intrinsic alteration of DENTIN in primary & permanent teeth
* SHOrt roots, bell shaped crowns, & obliterated pulps
* Bulbous crowns in radiographs (Bc constricted DEJ)
* Blue sclera
Tx: Full Coverage crowns
Regional Odontodysplasia
Quadrant of teeth exhibiting:
* short roots
* open apices
* enlarged pulp chambers
* Ghost teeth: pulps are so huge they make the teeth look almost completely RL
Tx: Ext affected teeth
Dentin Dysplasia
Intrinsic alteration of dentin in permanent & primary teeth
Autosomal Dominant
2 types:
* Type 1: Chevron Pulp w/short roots
* Type 2: Thistle shaped Pulp w/normal roots; Primary teeth=blue or amber color
Tx: Not good candidates for restorations