Professional Practice - Informatics Flashcards
Quality Information is defined by the following factors:
Timeliness, Precision, Accuracy, Measurability, Independently verifiable, and availability
The Following are important in assuring accuracy:
Objective reporting, comprehensive, appropriateness, unambiguous, reliability, up to date, and convenience
Roles of the Informatics Nurse
Develop, Analyze, Help, Customize, Design, Test, and Teaching
Assemble what sort of information should be captured on the system and how the data should be analyzed?
Developing Informatics Theories
Sort through the large amounts of data collected to determine the best information for the organization?
Analyzing the information needs of the organization
Assist in the system requirements, both for now and in the future.
Helping the organization choose a computer system
Work with IT to customize the system so that it will be the most useful
Customizing purchased computer systems
Conduct robust tests of the system when changes or upgrades are performed
Testing new or upgraded computer systems
Set up training and education programs to encourage the most effective use of the system.
Teaching other people to use the computer system
Informatics Nurse Responsibilities
Teaching the policies information systems, effectiveness of the system, systems work as designed, new ways to use technology, compliance in regulations, manage projects, and conduct research
Enough knowledge to operate the equipment and enter data
Clinical nurse- user level
Security and stability of the systems installed at their facility
Nurse who specializes in nursing informatics
Key goals of the informatics nurse
Efficiency and enhanced productivity
Essential elements within the practice of Nursing Informatics
Focus on the patient and well-being, keeping up to date on the latest state of the art, working environment (avoid errors and make things efficient), and working with others/ disciplines.
Standards for the Informatics nurse specialist include:
Assessment, Problem or issue, outcomes identification, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Standards for the performance that informatics nurses should attain
Quality assurance, review performance evaluation methods, ensure practice of Nursing Informatics is effective, create guidelines for research, peer cooperation, allocation of resources, and effective communication.
Definition of Nursing Informatics (ANA):
Nursing specialty integrating nursing, computer sciences, and information sciences, which support professionals, and patients in decision - making through information processes and technology.
Initiatives spurring the switch from paper to electronic health records and sharing of health care information among health care providers:
Healthcare Reform
Current research and individual values in practice to establish a plan of care for each individual.
Evidence - based practice
Requires a commitment to ongoing research and outcomes evaluation
Evidence - based practice
Steps to evidence - based practice
making a diagnosis, research and analyze results, apply research findings to plan of care, and evaluating outcomes.
Steps to developing evidence based practice guidelines
Focus on the topic/ method, evidence review, expert judgment, policy considerations, policy, and review.
This includes outlining possible interventions/ treatments to review, choosing individual populations and settings, and determining significant outcomes
Focus on the topic/ methodology
This includes review of literature, critical analysis of studies, and a summary of results, including pooled meta - analysis.
Evidence review
Recommendations based on personal experience from a number of experts may be used, especially if there is inadequate evidence based on review
Expert Judgment
This includes cost effective, access to care, insurance coverage, availability of qualified staff, and legal implications
Policy considerations
Models of Integration
Organizational, Functional/ coordinated, and functional/ integrated
Processes for improvement are identified, and teams of individuals are selected to participate in different areas or departments, reporting to one individual, who monitors progress.
Organizational - model of integration
While staff specialties, such as risk management and quality management, are not integrated, they draw from the same resources to determine quality of care and efficiency
Functional/ coordinated - model of integration
Cross training among specialties. A case management approach to individual care is used so that one person follows the progress of a patient through the system and coordinates with various specialties, such as infection control and quality management
Functional/ Integrated - model of integration
Created by a hospital or health care delivery organization
Electronic medical record - EMR
Consists of clinical documentation, orders, medications, treatments, and other clinical decision support, and is a legal record
Owned by the patient and stakeholders, which could include the government, insurance companies, and healthcare providers among others
Electronic Heath Record (EHR)
The study of how information is manipulated to solve problems or answer questions
Computer Science
Study of business decision - making using various analytical methods
Management Science
Elements used in management science to help organizations make practical decisions
Strategic Planning, morphological analysis, influence diagrams, and problem structuring
Based on the organization’s goals and mission
Strategic planning
Looks at many different possible solutions in an attempt to come up with the most appropriate one
Morphological Analysis
Uses mathematical representations and graphs to solve problems
Influence diagrams
A method used in management science in soft - operations research
Problem structuring
Regarded to be more related to the process of making business decisions that affect more than operations
Management Science