Planning Education Flashcards
A learner- centered strategy in which the instructor moves about the classroom monitoring the learner’s progress rather than standing at the front of the classroom and lecturing or providing instructor- focused teaching.
Over the shoulder instruction
Most instruction is computerized learning, so student attention is often focused on technology
over the shoulder instruction
These types of instruction belong in patient/ family education.
One - on - one instruction & group instruction
The most costly for an institution because it is time sensitive.
One - on - One instruction.
Less costly because the needs of a number of people can be met at one time.
Group instruction
Used when learners need to use the information immediately.
Just in time presentations
Developed by McMaster University in the 1960s.
Problem - based learning
Learner- centered with the instructor serving as a facilitator rather than a lecturer.
Problem - based learning
Teaching models:
These are very effective for supplementary material and independent study.
Audiovisual Tutorials
Teaching models:
this is geared toward the needs of the individual who can self - pace; materials may be internet- based or paper-based and may include audiovisual materials.
Independent study
Learners are presented with a goal and all materials and activities are aimed at achieving the goal
Goal - focused
Learning takes place outside a formal classroom with materials provided or recommended by the instructor.
Guided Focus
Activities are based on problem - solving in relation to realistic case studies
Learners work together to complete a learning activity
Learners develop materials regarding a topic
Project - based
Learners work in teams to solve problems
Problem - based
Instructors mode, and learners analyze and apply processes.
Cognitive apprenticeship
Learners actively participate in simulated activities
This is an instructor - focused presentation
Direct instruction
Small teams work together through a variety of activities to master a subject with each member responsible for self - learning and learning from others on the team.
Encompasses a wide range of teaching methodologies
Blended/ hybrid learning
Combines traditional lecture- type, instructor - focused delivery with more modern approaches, such as computer - based instruction.
Blended/ hybrid learning
Selection of teaching materials and resources include:
Price, quality, and currency
Can provide real practice for students and trainees using hardware and software programs that they will need when caring for patients.
Hospital Information System (HIS)
Nursing students can use this system to generate care plans and do mapping rather than doing this in the traditional time- consuming paper method
Include the use of clickers to respond to questions or educational content.
Electronic classroom response system (CRS)
Questions, guides, maps, pictures, charts, illustrations, outlines, or diagrams can be used to support lecture or computer - based training.
Learning aids
These can include websites that provide specific educational content and information updates, such as Lippincott, and interactive websites
Internet tools
Software is available for training on almost every healthcare topic and usually includes interactivity and audiovisual presentation
Software applications
Specific areas for training staff systems include
The basics of how the computer system works
How the system impacts their areas of responsibility.
The computer support resources
Requires intensive and comprehensive training and institutional support
Developing informatics competencies
An information system training plan should include the following elements:
A training mission statement
A needs assessment
The training modes
Location of trainers (in house)
The amount of time needed for staff to be competent
Methods used to determine effectiveness
The following characteristics should be taken into account when selecting a trainer for information systems
Organizational fit
Working with upper management
Methods of assessing ongoing training needs
End - user questionnaires and interviews
Real - time observations
Analysis of errors/repairs
Reviewing staff changes
The degree to which the trainees have absorbed the knowledge should be evaluated
Proficiency testing
Two type of proficiency examinations
Criterion referenced
Norm referenced
Assess each test taker against a set of correct values - most commonly used
Criterion referenced measures
Exams grade individuals directly against one another
Norm referenced
The following four factors should be considered when choosing a training method for a new information system
learning styles
Learning retention
Online multimedia advantages
improves retention
Tests of proficiency
More popular and efficient type of training for information systems
Computer Based Training (CBT)
Advantages of computer based training include
Self paced
One of the most popular types of training for information systems
Instructor led training
The advantages of instructor led training are
question and answer period
tests of proficiency
Delivers content directly to students via the internet
Internet based training
These are the people who work to keep the system updated and running well
Super user
Help Desk Personnel
PC Specialist
There are two major on the job training methods for conducting information system training
Super user
Job aids
There are two basic methods for carrying out information system training
Peer training
Self - directed text based courses
This is a method in which new users of the system are trained by existing users
Peer training
This method is based on self - directed and self paced training by use of the provided materials
Self directed text based courses
For employees that have little or no computer experience, __________ __________ is required.
Remedial training
Procedures should be taught to users in the event the system “crashes” or goes down for a period of time.
Disaster Recovery
Should be taught to all users of the system, including reboot procedures, changing passwords, how to properly edit data entries, and when to contact the support desk.
Responsible for educating the staff about changes related to processes, which should be communicated in an effective and timely manner.
Quality professional