Principles Quiz 1 Flashcards
Four Humors
Yellow and Black Bile
Father of Medicine
Medtech Act
RA 5527
Medical Technician
not a graduate of BSMT
duly registered
3 Medical History in Global Context
Stone - Bronze - Iron
father of modern anatomical pathology
Marcelo malphigi
Gravimetric testing of urine
Jean Baptiste van Helmont
1st compound Microscope
Hans and Zacharias Janssen
first to describe bactreria
Anton van Leeuwenhooke
cell from cork
Robert Hooke
Herman Von Fehling
Fehling solution - for sugar
Father of Modern Pathology
Rudolf Virchoe
Father of Moder Bacteriology
Louis Pasteur
Alexander Fleming
Magic bullet for syphilis
Paul Ehrlich
use of lab animals
Dr. Sunderson
Nature of Medtech
- examination of tissues and body fluids
- blood banking
- collection and preservation of specimen
- clinical lab quality control
- clinical research
1st lab in PH
Manila Public Health Lab
1st 2 schools for medte ch
Philippine Union College
Manila Sanitarium
1st graduate of medtech
Dr. Jesse Umali
right or wrong
morality in context of medicine