Prelim | Lungs Flashcards
Weight of the lungs
Volume of the lungs
250ml (birth) to 6000ml
Height of the lungs
Shape of the lungs
Location of the lung’s apex
Superior to medial thirds of clavicle
What surfaces of the lunds lie against the ribs?
Anterior lateral, and posterior surfaces
Location of the lung’s base:
Extends from the (1) anteriorly to the process of the (2) posteriorly
- 6th costal cartilage
- 10th thoracic vertebrae
Composition of the lungs
- Enclosed by pleural membrane
- Bronchial tree
- Elastic and collagen fibers
- Capillaries
- Alveoli
Function of the lungs
Double-layered serous membrance that enclose and protects the lungs
Pleural membrane/ Pleura
Layers of the pleura
Visceral plura and parietal pleura
Space between the visceral and parietal pleura
Pleural cavity
Fluid within the pleural cavity and its function
Parietal fluid; reduces frinction during breathing
Pleural cavities filled with air
Pleural cavities filles with blood
Pockets of pus that have collected inside a body cavity
Lung surfaces
Costal surface
Mediastinal surface
Cardiac notch
Diaphragmatic surface
Rounded curvature that matches and lies aaginst he ribs
Costal surface
Central part between the two lungs that contains a region through which bronchi, pulmonary blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves enter and exit
Mediastinal surface
Region through which bronchi, pulmonary blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves enter and exit
Concavity in the left lung where apex of the heart lies
Cardiac notch
Surface resting on the dome of the diaphragm having a concave shape
Diaphragmatic surface
Lung borders
Formed by the sharp convergence of the mediastinal and costal surfaces on the L lung
Anterior border (of lung)
What border of the lungs is marked by the cardiac notch?
Anterior border
Smooth and rounded border of the lung
Posterior border
Formed by the costal and mediastinal surfaces meeting posteriorly
Posterior border (of lung)
Separates the base of the lung from the costal and mediastinal surfaces
Inferior border (of lung)
Cup-shaped outpouching
Passageway connecting alveolar sac and bronchioles
Alveolar ducts
Consists of 2 or more alveoli that share a common opening
Alveolar sac
Four layers of the respiratory membrane (where exchange of O2 and CO2 happens)
- Type I and II alveolar cells
- Epithelial basement membrane
- Capillary basement membrane
4, Capillary endothelium