Pregnancy Physiology Flashcards
Why do pregnant people get more ascid reflux?
There is relaxation of their lower oesophageal sphincter
What happens to metabolism in pregnancy?
->need to produce energy for a second person
Summarise the changes to the CVS in pregnancy.
Increased circulating blood volume
Increased blood flow to all organs
Increased HR
Increased O2 consumption
->one of the most leading indirect causes of maternal mortality is cardiac disease
What happens to the CVS when a pregnant person lies down?
They lose 25% of cardiac output or venous return
->if unconscious and trying to do PCR on a pregnant person, don’t while they are supine won’t work, supine uterine displacement is required to move the uterus up. Two people will need to be involved in this CPR.
If a pregnant women has not been resuscitated after four minutes, what do you need to do?
Empty the uterus
->does not matter gestation, 25wks, 35wks etc.
What happens to BP in the first and second trimester?
->rises again in third
If a pregnant person’s BP doesn’t drop during the first two trimesters, what are they at a higher risk of?
Why do people with cardiac problems struggle in delivery?
Heart is under huge amount of pressure, cardiac output increases by 10% in labour and 80% in 1st post delivery hour
Summarise the respiratory changes which occur in pregnancy.
Significant increase in oxygen demand
Increased respiratory rate (just a little, not to pathological levels e.g. 24 breaths/min)
40-50% increase in minute ventilation
Decreased functional residual capacity
->just for interest, some women find pregnancy helps their asthma due to effect of progesterone but some notice no change
What changes in the acid-base balance are observed in pregnancy?
Oxygen levels go up
Carbon dioxide levels go down
Bicarb drops
Compensated metabolic alkalosis
->these changes are to allow oxygen to move more quickly and efficiently across the placenta to the baby
Summarise the changes to the renal system in pregnancy.
-Dramatic dilatation of the urinary collecting system
-Increased renal plasma flow
-GFR increases and creatinine clearance increases by up to 50%
-Increased protein excretion
-Microscopic haematuria may be present
-Oedema (80% of women get this)
Which common renal condition is even more common in pregnancy?
Summarise the haematological changes which occur in pregnancy.
-Plasma volume increases
-Greater iron and folate requirements
-WCC increases
What is the most common haematological disorder in pregnancy?
Iron deficiency anaemia
Why do pregnant people need to take folate supplements before getting pregnant and for the first 12wks of pregnancy?
To reduce risks of neural tube defects
What deficiency must you check for before giving folate supplements?
Vitamin B12 deficiency
->remember B before F, B comes before F in the alphabet
Key symptom of PE in pregnancy?
Shortness of breath
Increased HR
->these both increase physiologically in pregnancy but always important to have a PE in mind
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to haemoglobin levels in pregnancy?
->physiological anaemia
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to WCC levels in pregnancy?
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to platelet levels in pregnancy?
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to CRP levels in pregnancy?
Stays the same
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to ESR levels in pregnancy?
->never do ESR in pregnancy
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to urea levels in pregnancy?
->GFR increases
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to creatinine levels in pregnancy?
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to urate levels in pregnancy?
->increases as pregnancy progresses. Higher in multiple pregnancy or larger BMI
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to 24hr protein levels in pregnancy?
->protein excretion increases
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to total protein levels in pregnancy?
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to albumin levels in pregnancy?
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to LFT’s levels in pregnancy?
Mostly stay the same
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to alkaline phosphate levels in pregnancy?
Increase, sometimes dramatically
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to bile acid levels in pregnancy?
Stays the same
Okayyyy, let’s see if you have been paying attention with some lab values.
What happens to D-dimer levels in pregnancy?