Complications of Labour Flashcards
Which meds are used to induce labour>?
What is a mechanical way to induce labour?
Balloon tamponade
What is meant by induction of labour?
Initiation of labour by ‘ripening’ cervix and artificially rupturing membranes (amniotomy)
Which score is used to clinically assess the cervix?
Bishop’s score
->the higher the score, the more progressive change there is in the cervix and this indicates that induction is more likely to be successful
List some of the indications for induction of labour.
Post dates- term + 7days
Maternal reason- treatment for DVT, maternal age
Foetal reason- growth concerns, oligohydramnios
What are the three ways to remember why there may be inadequate progress in labour?
List some of the reasons progress in labour may be limited.
Inadequate uterine activity (powers)
Cephalopelvic disproportion (passage)
Other reasons for obstruction (passage)
Malposition (passenger)
Malpresentation (passenger)
In first delivery, how much is the women expected to dilate per hour?
->vaginal examination is recommended every 4hrs, so each 4hrs, should be 2cm more dilated
In subsequent deliveries, how much is the women expected to dilate per hour?
Approx 1cm/hr
Which medication is given if the strength/duration of contractions of the mother is not adequate?
IV oxytocin
It is important to rule out obstructed labour as the cause of inadequate uterine activity. If this is the case and isn’t noticed, what may be the result?
Ruptured uterus
What is meant by cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)?
Foetal head is in the correct position for labour but it too large to negotiate the maternal pelvis
What other things may cause obstruction of the birth passage?
Placenta praevia
Foetal anomaly
It is very important to avoid causing too many contractions in labour. Why?
Can cause foetal distress due to insufficient placental blood supply
What are some of the main causes of foetal distress?
Cord prolapse
Placental abruption
How is foetal wellbeing in labour monitored?
Intermittent auscultation of the foetal heart
Foetal blood sampling
Foetal ECG
When may foetal blood sampling be carried out?
When abnormal CTG as ?foetal distress
->provides a direct measurement from baby, allowing measurement of pH and base excess, lactic acid. pH gives a measure of likely hypoxaemia
What are some of the complications which can arise in the third stage of labour?
Retained placenta
Postpartum haemorrhage
List the four T’s of causes for postpartum haemorrhage.
Which structures are damaged in 3rd degree tears?
Anal sphincter
Which structures are damaged in 4th degree tears?
Rectal mucosa