Practices Flashcards
Gonstead listings are named how?
how the subluxated segment misaligns to the segment below
first letter of a Gonstead listgin
refers to the posteriority
second letter of a Gonstead listing?
R or L
spinous rotation
third letter of a Gonstead listing?
S or I
refers to lateral flexion/wedging of a segment on the side of spinous rotation
if the wedge is on the right, what is torque?
if the wedge is on the left, what is torque?
national listings refer to?
body rotation
first letter is R or L
second letter of national listings?
for posteriority
third letter of national listings?
S or I
refers to lateral flexion or wedging on the side of body rotation
dynamic listings
from motion palpation
also called kinetic listings
dynamic listings always reference what?
vertebral body
segment is STUCK IN THAT POSITION being described
segment CAN’T MOVE TO THE POSITION being described
what is seen off of xray
flexion malposition
increased interspinous space between teh involved semgnet and the segment below with decreased interspinous space between the involved segment and the segment above
extension malposition
decreased interspinous space between the involved segment and the segment below with increased interspinous space between teh invovled segment and the segment above
what is referenced in an adjusting question unless otherwise noted?
“L5 is rotated to the right”
“L5 BR”
what side do you contact?
side of open wedge
if scoliosis is present, where do you contact?
side of convexity
where does doctor stand for an adjustment?
on the side of contact except: seated cervical (depending on if Gonstead or Diversified) Diversified: doctor stands opposite side of contact Gonstead: doctor stands behind patient
If the Gonstead listing is PRS, this correlates to what Dynamic listing?
restricted R rotation and fixated L lateral flexion
fixated L rotation and restricted R lateral flexion
Restricted L body of L2 also has fixation in R lateral flexion. What is the Gonstead listing?
R laterally flexed vertebral body with L body rotation. What is the Dynamic listing?
L lateral flexion restriction with L body rotation fixation
R lateral flexion fixation with R body restriction
Palpation of the vertebra shows R TVP is posterior and inferior and spinous is L and superior. Static body listing?
R rotation and R lateral fexion malposition
What is the static listing of superior vertebra in this drawing?
(o )
( o )
R rotation malposition, R lateral flexion malposition
If T9 and T10 internspinous space is increased, then T8 and T9 interspinous space is what?
Segmental fixation in L rotation and Left lateral bend. Listing?
left rotation and left lateral flexion malposition
What is the SCP for a thoracic vertebra in L lateral flexion and R spinous rotation?
spinous right
Dynamic listing: L3 body fixated in L lateral flexion with R body rotation. What is the SCP for side posture?
right mamillary
Prominent L mamillary at L2 in L sectional convexity is corrected by using side posture push. The ___side of patient should be up, doctor’s CH is ____ and ____ is contacted.
patient’s left side is up
doctor’s CH: right
SCP: L mamillary
Restriction in R body rotation and L thoracic convexity. What is the CH, SCP, and DS if you are doing DTV?
Dynamic listing: T8 restricted L body rotation. Reinforced pisiform spinous contact with patient prone, doctor stands on ___side and utilizes a ___line of contact.
stand on L
L-R line of drive
Correct PRS at C5, patient seated, doctor stands posterior to patient. SCP=?
spinour R
C6 prominent L articular pillar. Seated, doctor stands posterior to patient. CP?
index contact on R spinous
Doctor’s stance in front of and slightly R. SCP- L lamina of C2, CP= R index, LOD=?
L-R, I-S
Dynamic listing: restricted R body rotation with restricted R lateral flexion in lumbar spine is best corrected with lumbar push. SCP=, CH=, TQ=
SCP= R spinous CH= L thigh= R TQ= CW
Patient is on the L side, doctor contacts L spinous of L4 with digital contact and pulls L-R with CCW TQ. Procedure would be used for?
R rotation, R lateral flexion
when sacrum drops anterior and inferior on L, the L5 spinous will do what according to the Lovett positive classification?
rotate to the R
Lovett Positive Classification of Scoliosis
Normal compensatory deviation
the side of anterior sacrum is on the same side as the PI ilium (short leg)
spinouses deviate away from the convexity
which side should a heel lift be used according to the lovett positive classification?
on the side of PI
Lovett Negative Classification of Scoliosis
simple scoliosis
spinouses rotate toward the convexity
absolute contraindicatioins to adjusting
malignancies tumors infections fracture (except Clay Shoveler's) AAA recent surgery
relative contraindications to adjusting
osteoporosis spondylolisthesis RA cardiovascular predisposing factors congenital anomalies acute spastic muscle region
balanced pelvis
the ASISs are in the same vertical plane as the symphysis pubis
anterior pelvic tilt
ASISs move anterior to the pubic symphysis
lengthened/inhibited muscles in an anterior pelvic tilt
hypertonic/facilitated muscles in an anterior pelvic tilt
erector spinae
should you use a heel life or a sole lift for anterior pelvic tilt?
sole lift
posterior pelvic tilt
ASISs move posterior to the pubic symphysis
lengthened/inhibited muscles in a posterior pelvic tilt
erector spinae
hypertonic/facilitated muscles in a posterior pelvic tilt
hypertonic/facilitated muscles in upper cross syndrome
levator scapulae pectoralis major upper trap SCM scalenes suboccipitals teres major subscapularis anterior deltoid
lengthened/inhibited muscles in upper cross syndrome
rhomboids lower and middle traps serratus anterior teres minor longus coli longus capitus
closed packed position occurs when..
the joint capsule and ligaments are maximally tightened
“strongest position”
closed packed position for fingers
DIP, PIP- maximal extension
MCP- maximal flexion
closed packed position for hands
intermetacarpal joints-maximal opposition
closed packed position for wrist
intercarpal joints- maximal dorsiflexion
closed packed position for forearm
radio-ulnar joint- 5 degrees of supination
closed packed position for elbow
ulno-humeral joint- extension in supination
radio-humeral joint- flexion in supination
closed packed position for shoulder
glenohumeral- abduction and external rotation
AC joint- 90 degrees of abduction
sternoclavicular joint- maximal elevation
closed packed position for toes
DIP, PIP, MTP- maximal extension
closed packed position for foot
intermetatarsal joints- maximal opposition
closed packed position for ankle
tarso-metatarsal- maximal inversion
tibio-talar- maximal dorsiflexion
closed packed position for knee
tibiofemoral joint- maximal extension and external rotation of tibia
closed packed position for hip
coxafemoral joint- maximal extension, internal rotation and abduction