Practice NAVLE 1 Incorrect Questions Flashcards
How does the bacteria Coxiella burnetii persist in the environment?
It forms spore-like structures
Coxiellosis is caused by?
Coxiella burnetii, an obligate intracellular bacterium
List the most common reservoirs of Coxiella burnetii:
Sheep, goats, cattle
How is Coxiellosis transmitted? Describe a classic case.
Transmitted via inhalation, ingestion, direct contact.
Classic case: Late term abortion, anorexia
Coxiella burnetii is more heat resistant than?
Mycobacterium bovis
Therefore this bacterium sets standards in the U.S. for pasteurization.
What are the effects of Coxiella burnetii if contracted by a human?
Coxiellosis is a REPORTABLE disease. It can be asymptomatic or cause “Q” fever in humans, abortion in pregnant women, endocarditis in people with preexisting heart defects or immunosuppression.
Renal neoplasm
The radiograph shown is from a red-eared slider turtle. The turtle is housed in a 10 gal (38 L) aquarium with an inadequate water filtration system that results in fetid water. Its diet consists of a commercial pelletized aquatic turtle food. What major clinical sign would you see that would help you confirm your diagnosis?
Lop-sided swimming
How do you treat footrot in a sheep flock?
Zinc sulfate bath, inspect all lambs feet and trim those affected
This is Psoroptes cuniculi, a mite commonly seen in rabbits.
Tx with Ivermectin
A 3-week-old, hand-fed cockatiel is being evaluated because of inappetence, regurgitation, and delayed crop emptying. What is the most appropriate next step?
Cytologic evaluation of crop contents
B. Kennel worker
C. Receptionist
D. Veterinarian
E. Veterinary assistant
What is the most common causative agent of otitis externa in dogs?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
This cat has toxoplasmosis
Clean and empty the litter box every 24 hours during treatment
Identify the condition pictured. How would you treat it?
Chin acne
While the exact mechanism is not understood, the abnormal follicular keratinization is thought to be related to a primary seborrheic disease such as excessive sebum production (natural oil produced by the skin). Stress, viral infection, immunosuppression, allergies, or poor grooming habits may also play a role. Unfortunately, none of these conditions have been proven to be the cause of feline acne
Tx: Hydrogen peroxide or benzoyl peroxide. Shave area prior to application
. A 4-year-old neutered male cat is in shock two hours after sustaining a small wound in the left flank and a larger wound on the lower right side just caudal to the 13th rib. A projectile injury is suspected. Which condition is most likely to result from these injuries?
A 12-year-old spayed female Siamese cat is being evaluated because of poor body condition, weight loss, and polydipsia.
Complete blood count shows mild nonregenerative anemia, lymphopenia, and neutropenia. Which of the following tests is most likely to help establish the diagnosis?
A. Blood culture
B. Bone marrow aspiration
C. Coomb’s test
E. Toxoplasma titer
An 82-1b (37-kg), 8-year-old neutered male German Shepherd mixed-breed dog is being evaluated because of a two-month history of decreased exercise tolerance. The client reports that the dog had two episodes of “profound weakness” on walks during the past week. The dog seems comfortable at home, but his “heart is racing all the time.” Two years ago, another veterinarian diagnosed the dog with hypothyroidism and prescribed oral levothyroxine 0.8 mg twice daily. Dosage was reevaluated one month after initiation of treatment and was determined appropriate. Appetite, urination, and bowel movements are normal. Body condition score is 6/9. Temperature is 101.2°F (38.4°C) and heart rate is 180 beats/min. The dog is panting.
Physical examination detects a pulse deficit that occurs three to five times each minute. No other abnormalities are noted.
Results of complete blood count, serum biochemistry profile, and urinalysis are within normal limits. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the episodic weakness in this dog?
Decreased cardiac output
A 5-year-old female West Highland White Terrier dog is brought back to the clinic ten days after being diagnosed as having pyoderma. Physical examination at the time had shown papules, pustules, and epidermal collarettes predominantly distributed in the inguinal region. A two-week course of trimethoprim-sulfadiazine at a standard dose was prescribed, and the client reported clearing of the lesions within a few days. The dog has now developed spreading, circular, bull’s-eye, erythematous lesions on the thorax and forelimbs. There are some papules but no erosion or ulceration. A skin biopsy is obtained. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step pending results of the skin biopsy?
Discontinue all therapy
What is the most common form of inflammatory bowel disease in cats?
What is the most common coccidia of cats and dogs? What are the clinical signs? How is it diagnosed? Treatment?
Isospora spp.
Most infected dogs and cats do not display clinical signs. Acute cases are associated with diarrhea. In severe cases you may see blood in the stool.
Fecal flotation is used to diagnose this condition.
Infection usually spontaneously resolves. A sulfa AB (e.g. sulfadimethoxine) can be used in clinically ill patients.
Cryptococcus neoformans
Name the most common systemic fungal disease in cats. Pathogenesis, C/S, Tx
Cryptococcus neoformans
Pathogenesis: Cat inhales fungal spores found in bird droppings, pigeon feces, decaying vegetation.
C/S: Chronic nasal discharge, sneezing, loud breathing, swelling of the nose and face, deep non-healing wounds on the nose, visible masses or polyps in the nasal cavity. CNS Form: sudden blindness, seizures, behavioral changes, head or spinal pain. Cutaneous form: single or multiple non-painful, non-itchy nodules on or right below skin +/- LN enlargement.
Dx: Antigen detection test
Tx: Antifungal therapy
A. Acepromazine
B. Diazepam
C. Ketamine
D. Phenytoin
E. Xylazine
A. Calcium
B. Sodium
C. Potassium
D. Chloride
E. Phosphorous
Do you see Hyperkalemia more with acute or chronic kidney disease?
This answer is two fold!
Hyperkalemia is more commonly seen in cases of AKI, however you can see it in end stage CKD cases. Hypokalemia is more commonly seen in CKD cases.
A 7-year-old neutered male Miniature Poodle dog undergoes surgical repair of medial patellar luxation. Which of the following is most likely to aid in recovery?
A) Allowing the dog to exercise freely
B) Calcium supplementation
C) Corticosteroid therapy
D) Limb immobilization
E) Physical therapy
- Abdominal palpation confirms pregnancy in a cat that was bred three weeks ago, and the client requests termination of the pregnancy. Which of the following is the safest and most reliable management?
A) Administration of prostaglandin F za
O B) Cesarean delivery
C) Injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
D) Oral administration of diethylstilbestrol
O E) Ovariohysterectomy
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis most commonly occurs in dogs through contact with which of the following?
* A) Cattle
* B) Chickens
* C) Humans
* D) Soil
* E) Swine
A 14-year-old spayed female domestic shorthaired cat is undergoing routine annual examination. The client reports no changes in the cat’s activity level or appetite. The cat’s weight is stable; body condition score is 5/9. Respiratory rate is 30 breaths/min.
Physical examination shows pink mucous membranes. Thoracic auscultation discloses a grade III/VI systolic murmur and frequent dropped heartbeats. In addition to baseline blood and urine testing, which of the following is the most appropriate next step in establishing the diagnosis?
A) Cardiac troponin testing
B) Echocardiography
C) Electrocardiography
D) N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide testing
E) Thoracic radiography
Atrial fibrillation
Sinus arrest
Sinus tachycardia
Ventricular fibrillation
Ventricular tachycardia
A 2-year-old domestic shorthaired cat is being evaluated because of an apparent inability to urinate. On examination, the cat has a large bladder that is easily expressed. The tail is limp, with no voluntary movement. Anal sphincter tone is normal. These findings are most consistent with which of the following?
A) Cauda equina syndrome
B + Fibrocartilaginous embelism
C) Lumbosacral instability
D) Protrusion of the intervertebral disk
E) Traumatic damage to the sacral nerves
A 5-month-old intact male Italian Greyhound puppy is brought for emergency evaluation because he has not been able to bear weight on his left forelimb since jumping from the client’s arms and landing on his forepaws two hours ago. Physical examination shows soft tissue swelling of the left carpal region. Palpation of the area elicits pain. Radiographs disclose closed, mid-diaphyseal transverse fractures of the left radius and ulna. Which of the following sets of conditions are the most likely complications of this injury?
A) Carpal valgus, premature distal ulnar physeal elosure
B) Carpal valgus, premature closure of the medial aspect of the distal radial physis
C) Carpal varus, premature proximal unar physeal closure
D) Carpal varus, premature closure of the lateral aspect of the distal radial physis
E) Limb shortening, premature closure of the proximal radial physis
Cats are seasonal induced ovulators
Do the other speies
What are the clinical signs of retinal atrophy in dogs?
Night blindness, retinal vascular attenuation, tapetal hyperreflectivity, optic disk pallor
How is feline heartworm treated?
Currently there is no approved drug therapy for cats. Prednisolone can be given every 12 to 14 hrs to reduce inflammation.
In cats, plasma cell gingivitis-stomatitis is commonly associated with?
Elevated serum gamma globulin concentration
A 2-year-old male Labrador Retriever has had a bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge for the past two months. The dog shows no systemic signs of illness. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A > Coccidioidemycosis
B) Cryptococcosis
C) Distemper
D) Nasal adenocarcinoma
E) Nasal aspergillosis
An 8-year-old neutered male German Shepherd Dog is brought to the clinic because he has been straining to defecate and has had a small amount of watery diarrhea for the past five days. Appetite is reduced, but water intake has not changed. Palpation of the caudal abdomen elicits mild pain. Limited rectal examination shows no significant abnormalities. A radiograph of a lateral view of the abdomen is shown. Which of the following is the most appropriate management of this dog?
A) Administration of cisapride
B † Administration of fenbendazole
C) Administration of loperamide
D) Deobstipation
E) Withholding of food and water for 24 hours
A 9-year-old castrated male Himalayan cat has a one-week history of mild dyspnea and inappetence. No abnormalities are seen on laboratory tests. Thoracic radiographs show a 3-cm solitary mass in the caudal lung lobe. Percutaneous aspiration and cytologic examination of the mass show a large number of degenerative neutrophils and a few atypical epithelial cells with prominent nucleoli and an increased nuclear-to-cytoplasm ratio. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A) Metastatic neoplasia
B) Pulmonary abscess
C) Pulmonary adenocarcinoma
D) Pulmonary granuloma
E) Pulmonary hematoma
An adult spayed female cat that is being treated for renal failure has a urine culture positive for bacterial organisms sensitive to a wide variety of antimicrobial agents. Which of the following antimicrobials requires an adjustment in dose or dose-interval in this cat?
A + Chloramphenicol
B) Clindamycin
C) Lincomycin
D) Metronidazole
E) Orbifloxacin
In dogs, neurologic adverse effects are most likely to result from an overdose of which of the following drugs?
A) Ampicillin
B) Cephalothin
C) Metronidazole
D) Tetracycline
E) Trimethoprim-sulfadiazine
Which of the following organisms is most likely to be isolated from a subcutaneous abscess in a cat?
A) Escherichia coli
B Pasteurella multocida
C) Sporothrix schenckii
D) Staphylococcus intermedius
E) Streptococcus spp
In the cat, a finding of increased resonance on percussion of the chest is most indicative of which of the following?
A) Diaphragmatic hernia
B) Pleural effusion
C) Pneumothorax
D) The presence of a pulmonary mass
E) Pulmonary edema
In the dog, which of the following is a paraneoplastic condition that is most often associated with mastocytosis?
A) Gastric hyperacidity
B) Hypercalcemia
C) Hypoglycemia
D) Hypokalemia
E) Metabolic acidosis
A - aka GERD
Mast cells are inflammatory cells that produce many substances that are involved in the inflammatory response including histamine. Histamine causes an increase in the acidity in the stomach, which can result in gastritis, vomiting, gastric ulcers and intestinal lesions in dogs with mast cell tumours.
A 4-year-old domestic shorthaired cat has pruritus and numerous crusts on the dorsal lumbosacral area and around the neck.
Impression smears show eosinophils, neutrophils, and an occasional basophil. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A Demodeetie mange
B) Dermatophytosis
C) Flea allergy
D) Pemphigus foliaceus
E) Pyoderma
The patient below developped crusts (scabs) and ulcers around the eyes, ears, footpads, groin, and bridge of the nose. What is your top differential? How is it dx and treated?
Pemphigus foliaceus
Dx: Characteristic acantholytic cells on cytology
Tx: Immunsuppression with glucocorticoids
Which of the following organisms is most commonly isolated from the urine of dogs with urinary tract infections?
A) Citrobacter spp
B) Escherichia coli
C) Proteus mirabilis
D) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
E) Streptococcus spp
A 10-year-old neutered male domestic shorthaired cat is in respiratory distress. Temperature is 100.1°F (37.8°C), and heart rate is 210 beats/min with a gallop rhythm. Crackles are heard in the lung fields. Follow-up tests show congestive heart failure caused by dilated cardiomyopathy. The client should be asked about which of the following factors in this cat’s history?
A) Chewing on an electrical cord
B) Diet
C) Exposure to rodenticides
D) Previous trauma
E) Previously diagnosed congenital abnormalities
A detailed dietary history is important in cats with heart disease. Home prepared diets without meat or made with meats low in taurine (such as chicken breast), may lead to taurine deficiency-related DCM in cats.
Which of the following is the most reasonable estimation of a dog’s blood volume?
A) 40 mL/Ib (88 mL/kg)
B) 50 mL/b (110 mL/kg)
C) 65 mL/b (143 mL/kg)
D) 80 mL/b (176 mL/kg)
E) 90 mL/b (198 mL/kg)
An 8-year-old neutered male Siamese cat is evaluated because of a two-week history of constipation. On physical examination, the colon is distended and contains a large amount of firm feces. An enema will be administered. Which of the following enema solutions has the greatest risk for creating an electrolyte imbalance in this cat?
A) Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate
B) Lactulose
C) Mineral oil
D) 0.9% Sodium chloride
E) Sodium phosphate
A 3-year-old spayed female Bloodhound dog is evaluated four hours after being hit by a car. Temperature is 101.8°F (38.8°C), heart rate is 130 beats/min, and respiratory rate is 32 breaths/min. On physical examination, the dog appears cardiovascularly stable. Radiographs show a closed, mid-diaphyseal, complete transverse fracture of the left humerus. Which of the following bandage techniques is most appropriate to stabilize this dog’s fracture?
A) Bivalve cast
B) Ehmer sling
C) Modified Robert-Jones bandage
D) Spica splint
E) Velpeau sling
Velpeau sling
Ehmer sling
Modified robert jones bandage
Spica splint
A 4-year-old female Maltese dog has had the progressive onset of tremors, excitability, and panting during the past hour. She has had two tonic seizures during this time. The dog whelped five healthy puppies four weeks ago. Her temperature is 103.9°F (39.9°C). On examination, the dog is very anxious, has muscle tremors, and is hyperresponsive to tactile stimulation. Which of the following is the most appropriate immediate pharmacologic treatment of this dog?
A) Calcium gluconate intravenously
B) Dexamethasone intravenously
C) Diazepam intravenously
D) Phenobarbital intravenously
E) Potassium bromide orally
In this case, the symptoms and the history suggest that the Maltese may be experiencing eclampsia, a condition that can occur in nursing females due to low calcium levels. The signs of tremors, excitability, panting, seizures, and hyperresponsiveness align with this condition.
Given that eclampsia is typically treated with calcium supplementation, calcium gluconate would be the appropriate choice. It helps to rapidly increase calcium levels in the blood, which can alleviate the neurological signs and prevent further seizures.
Diazepam, while useful for managing seizures, would not address the underlying cause of the tremors and seizures related to hypocalcemia. Therefore, in this scenario, calcium gluconate is the correct treatment to administer.
A 5-year-old Simmental cow who is used as a donor for embryo transfer is evaluated because of the acute onset of anorexia and lethargy. She has been flushed six times; the most recent flushing occurred 10 days ago. Rectal temperature is 104.0°F (40.0°C). During physical examination, the cow is reluctant to move and periodically kicks at her abdomen. On rectal palpation, the left kidney is grossly enlarged and has a smooth texture. When stimulated to urinate, the urine is grossly hematuric; numerous blood clots and fibrin are present. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment?
A) Administration of gentamicin intravenously
B) Administration of procaine penicillinG intramuscularly
C) Long-term catheterization of the bladder
D) Surgical removal of the enlarged kidney
E) No treatment is indicated
A 10-year-old commercial beef cow has had a gradually diminished appetite and progressive weight loss over the past two months. Feces are dry and scanty. She continues to drink water. Physical examination shows distention of the left paralumbar fossa and ventral right abdominal wall. On rectal palpation, the rumen is full of firm ingesta and the ventral sac extends to the right of midline (L-shaped). Which of the following is the most appropriate next step?
A) Administration of bismuth subsalicylate with sucrose
B) Administration of magnesium hydroxide
C) Exploratory laparotomy
D) Salvage to slaughter
E) Surgicl creation of a rumen fistula
This is a right displaced abomasum. Prognosis for this is GUARDED.
For LDA you could do medical management - Calcium, transfaunation, gastric stimulants OR roll and toggle, abomasopexy, omentopexy
Rumenotomy is for frothy bloat or traumatic reticuloperitonitis
A group of 1000 5-week-old pigs has experienced a 2% death loss since weaning two weeks ago. Most of the deaths were sudden; however, approximately 3% of the pigs showed clinical signs of lethargy, lameness, and labored breathing before dying. Postmortem examination of an affected pig shows severe fibrinous pleuritis, pericarditis, and peritonitis. Which of the following is the most likely causal organism?
A) Arcanobacterium suis
B) Escherichia coli
C) Haemophilus parasuis
D) Salmonella choleraesuis
E) Streptococcus suis
A 7-year-old castrated male Thoroughbred horse has a three-week history of intermittent cough associated with eating, unilateral (left-sided) Horner’s syndrome, and intermittent, bilateral, green-tinged nasal discharge. Two days ago, the horse bled profusely from the left nostril.
Which of the following is the most likely source of the hemorrhage?
A) Ethmoid hematoma
B) Internal carotid artery
C) Maxillary sinus mucosa
D) Maxillary vein
E) Nasal turbinates
A 4-year-old second-lactation Holstein cow that is 150 days in milk has been in anestrus since calving. On palpation of the rectum, a cystic structure that is 3 cm in diameter is identified on the left ovary. Administration of which of the following is the most appropriate initial treatment?
A) Follicle-stimulating hormone followed by gonadotropin-releasing hormone in 15 days
B) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone followed by prostaglandin in 15 days
C) Melengestrol acetate followed by prostaglandin in 19 days
D) Prostaglandin followed by melengestrol acetate in 19 days
GnRH stimulates the release of LH from the anterior pituitary, which can induce the ovulation of a follicular cyst. In this case, GnRH is used to promote the rupture of the cyst and the initiation of a new estrous cycle.
After administering GnRH and allowing time for the cyst to either ovulate or regress, prostaglandin (PGF2α) is administered around 15 days later to lyse the corpus luteum if present (from the cyst or other source). This ensures the cow will return to estrus.
Fifteen of a group of 200, 7-month-old feedlot calves are lame. The calves arrived at the feedlot approximately one month ago, and one week later 40 of the animals developed pneumonia. These calves were treated with oxytetracycline, and the pneumonia appeared to resolve. On physical examination, the affected calves have swellings in the carpi, tarsi, and stifles with distention of associated tendon sheaths, and a stiff gait. Two calves are euthanized. Postmortem examination shows fibrinous pleuritis and papillary muscle necrosis. Which of the following organisms is the most likely cause of these signs?
A) Arcanobacterium (Actinomyees) pyogenes
B) Histophilus somni (Haemophilus somnus)
C) Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica
D) Pasteurella multocida
E) Salmonella typhimurium
The combination of pneumonia, polyarthritis, pleuritis, and myocardial necrosis in these calves is most consistent with an infection caused by Histophilus somni. This organism is known to cause systemic infections in cattle that include respiratory, joint, and cardiac involvement, making it the most likely cause in this case.
Remember: Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex is made up of Enzootic Pneumonia and Shipping Fever
- Enzootic Pneumonia is mostly caused by P. multocida and is seen in thin, recently weaned calves.
- Shipping Fever is mostly seen in any age calf that underwent a stressful event and is usually caused by M. haemolytica but occasionally P. multocida and H. somni.
At the present time, which of the following is the most effective management for eradication of brucellosis in cattle?
A) Serologic identification and vaccination of infected animals
B) Serologic identification of infected animals followed by isolation and slaughter
C) Vaccination of all animals as calves
D) Vaccination of all animals that had no detectable serologic titer
E) Vaccination of all susceptible animals as calves and before pregnancy
The owner of a flock of 85 sheep reports that approximately 33% of ewes have had abortions or have delivered lambs with marked weakness during the past three weeks. Thirty-two ewes were purchased from a farm in a neighboring state and were introduced to the flock four weeks ago. The ewes appear to be healthy. Postmortem examination of an aborted fetus shows marked thickening of the placenta. A zoonotic organism from which of the following genera is the most likely cause of these findings?
A) Campylobacter
B) Chlamydophila
C) Coxiella
D) Leptospira
E) Mycoplasma
In cases of Coxiella you see placental thickening.
In cases of Campylobacter you see gray foci
In October, six mixed-breed beef cows and three calves are being evaluated because of a one-day history of droopy ears, squinting, rubbing their heads on objects, and ataxia. Four days ago, the cows and calves escaped from their pasture and were found the next day eating the lush clover, buckwheat, and ryegrass in a food plot a neighbor had planted to attract deer to his property. The cattle were returned to their home pens and fed their usual diet of timothy hay and a commercial grain supplement. Today, vital signs of one affected calf are: temperature 102.5°F (39.2°C), heart rate 85 beats/min, and respiratory rate 35 breaths/min. Examination shows blepharospasm, as well as edema, erythema, serous exudate, and matting of the hair, which are most severe on the ears, eyelids, external nares, and lips. Animals with white faces seem most severely affected. Which of the following is the most likely cause of these findings?
A) Dermatophilosis
B) Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis
C) Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
D) Primary photosensitization
E) Secondary photosensitization
Primaary = plants
Secondary = liver disease
A 400-Ib (182-kg) steer has had an open sore above the hoof of the right hindlimb for the past seven days. The sore has a purulent discharge.
A photograph is shown. The owner reports that the steer initially had moderate swelling just below the dewclaw and above the bulb of the foot three weeks ago. The owner was unable to treat the steer, and five days later the swelling decreased. After an additional five days, the area above the right lateral claw became swollen, and the steer was markedly lame. During the next 10 days, the swelling increased and the skin at the coronary band broke open. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the current findings?
A) Digital dermatitis
B) Interdigital fibroma
C) Mycoplasma bovis infection
D) Septic arthritis
E) Sole abscess
When passing a nasogastric tube in a horse, which of the following meatuses allows access to the laryngopharynx?
A) Common
B) Dorsal
C) Middle
D) Ventral
The manager of a 300-sow farrow-to-finish farm reports that six of 1000 nursery pigs are lying on their sides and paddling. Two pigs are euthanized. Postmortem examination shows valvular endocarditis. Gram-positive cocci are identified on a meningeal smear. Which of the following is the most appropriate management for pigs on this farm?
A) Add electrolytes to the drinking water for all nursery pigs and euthanize affected pigs
B) Add penicillin to the drinking water for all nursery pigs and increase the temperature in the room
C) Administer intravenous fluids and corticosteroids to affected pigs
D) Isolate affected pigs and administer penicillin intramuscularly
E) Syringe feed a gruel of medicated feed and water to affected pigs.
You had the right diagnosis, just the wrong Tx
A steer that is unable to regulate rumen gas expulsion has been treated for the past several weeks. The recurrence of the problem led to the treatment as shown in [Trocarization]the photograph. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the chronic, nonresponsive nature of the condition?
A) Acute, local peritonitis
B) Chronic pericarditis
C) Continued legume diet
D) A diaphragmatie hernia
E) Vagus (X) nerve damage
It’s E and not C because E is the only chronic cause!!!
A mature horse has stiffness in all four limbs, with warm and painful swelling extending from the hocks and carpi distally. The horse recently recovered from a respiratory tract infection. Examination shows petechial hemorrhages on the mucous membranes of the lips and gums.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A) Epizootic lymphangitis
B) Equine infectious anemia
C) Laminitis involving all four feet
D) Purpura hemorrhagica
E) Streptococcal septicemia
Key here is “recently recovered from a respiratory infection”
On postmortem examination of cattle carcasses at federally inspected slaughterhouses, the cardiac and masseter muscles are routinely incised by inspectors in order to detect evidence of infection with which of the following?
A) Diphyllobothrium spp
B) Dipylidium spp
C) Taenia spp
D) Toxocara spp
E) Trichinella spp
Sixty-five percent of the cows in a beef herd test positive for bovine leukemia virus; of these, what percentage are likely to develop clinical signs of lymphoma?
A) 0% to 5%
B) 6% to 10%
C) 11% to 15%
D) 16% to 20%
E) 21% to 25%
A 2200-Ib (1000-kg) beef bull is diagnosed with interdigital phlegmon (footrot). The owner is to administer procaine penicillin G 20,000 IU/kg to the bull twice daily for three days. The concentration of the drug is 300,000 IU/mL. How many milliliters of procaine penicillin G should be
dispensed[1000 kg animal 20,000 IU/kg –> 20,000 x 1000 = 20,000,000 IU 20,000,000 IU / 300,000 IU/ml = ] to the owner?
A) 40 mL
B) 133 mL
C) 200 mL
D) 400 mL
E) 667 mL
Did math wrong :/
A) Cohort
B) Cross-sectional
C) Nonrandomized controlled
D) Retrospective analytical
E) Two-by-two factorial
Which of the following is the most appropriate therapy for rehydration of a cow with right abomasal volvulus?
A) 0.9% Sodium chloride with added KCI
B) 0.9% Sodium chloride with added NaHCO3
C) 5% Dextrose in water with added KCI
D) 5% Dextrose with added NaHCO3
E) Lactated Ringer’s solution with added NaHCO3~
Which of the following clinical signs are most likely to support a diagnosis of cerebellar disease in cattle?
A) Ataxia, proprioceptive deficits, and stertorous respiration
B) Bruxism, head pressing, aimless walking, blindness, and convulsions
C) Loss of sensation and voluntary movement of a single limb
D) Tremors, head bobbing, and hypermetria with normal mentation
E) Unilateral miosis, facial anesthesia, blindness, and a deviated philtrum
Which of the following is the most common clinical sign in horses with guttural pouch mycosis?
A) Coughing
B) Dysphagia
C) Dyspnea
D) Epistaxis
E) Head tilt