Incorrect MCQ - Week of 12/02 Flashcards
What is the difference in size between Coccidiosis cysts and Cryptosporidosis cysts?
Coccidiosis cysts can range from 10 to 30 micrometers in size depending on the species, cryptosporidiosis oocysts are typically only 4-6 micrometers in diameter,
What medication is used to treat Coccidiosis in dogs and cats?
What is your top differential?
Pleural effusion
If you accidentally remove the parathyroid gland in a hypothyroid cat the cat is now at risk of becoming?
What do kidney values look like for cats that are FLUTD?
Azotemic, hyperkalemic
What do you see diagnostically in a cat with FIP?
Viscous straw-colored modified transudate with increased neutrophils, macrophages, and protein > 3.5
Hypoalbuminemia, hyperglobulinemia
CSF - mononuclear pleocytosis, elevated protein
What chemotherapeutic agent is used to treat feline mammary tumors?
How do you dx and tx lymphosarcoma in cats?
Dx - FNA +/- biopsy during exploratory laparotomy
Tx - Doxorubicin + other agents; for small cell GI LSA - tx with prednisolone and chlorambucil
FeLV is linked with what forms of lymphoma?
Most forms EXCEPT GI
FIV cats are more likely to develop?
5X more likely to develop LSA
What feline species are at an increased risk of developing ringworm?
Persians, Himalayans
How do you tx severe caudal dermatitis in a cat?
Teeth extractions
Horner’s syndrome is caused by loss of what innervation ?
Sympathetic innervation
What are the causes of horner’s syndrome in cats?
Brachial plexus avulsion
T1-T3 spinal cord trauma
Otitis media
Ureterolithiasis is a condition in cats known as?
Most commonly composed of?
Big kidney, little kidney
Calcium oxalate
What is the name of coccidiosis infection in cats?
Cystoisospora felis because the most common cocciodiosis species in cats is isospora
The tx of choice for Cryptosporidiosis in cats dogs, cats, and humans is?
What is the difference between tropicamide and pilocarpine?
Tropicamide - topical mydriatic
Pilocarpine - topical miotic agent
What type of insulin is used to tx feline diabetes?
Glargine: lasts 12 hrs
PZI: lasts 12 hrs
What type of insulin is used to tx canine diabetes?
NPH: 10-12 hrs in dogs, 8 hrs in cats
Vetsulin: 12 hrs
What are the findings on bloodwork of a patient with suspect ethylene glylcol toxicity?
Define the following terms:
1. Anisocytosis
2. Spherocytosis
3. Poikilocytosis
4. Schistocytosis
- Anisocytosis: RBC different sizes
- Spherocytosis: RBC different shape
- Poikilocytosis: RBC abnormally shape
- Schistocytosis: RBC fragmented
What do you see on BW of a canine patient with parvovirus?
Leukopenia, neutropenia
Pre-renal azotemia
A false-positive ELISA test for canine parvovirus may be seen when?
5-15 days after vaccination
What is the MOA of a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor ?
inhibiting the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which directly reduces the production of aqueous humor in the eye, thereby lowering intraocular pressure (IOP)
How do you diagnose bovine lymphosarcoma?
Lymph node biopsy and histopathology is gold standard. Can also do ELISA or PCR
How do you diagnose ketosis in bovine?
Measure betahydroxybutyric acid in blood (best), milk, or urine. If clinically ketotic they will have a BHB level > 14.4 in whole blood.
How do you diagnose BVD?
Viral isolation is gold standard but PCR on whole blood, tissues, or semen is the rapid test of choice. ELISA on blood, tissue, ear notch
How do you diagnose Johnne’s disease?
Fecal culture = gold standard
PCR on feces or tissue = most common
What is a potential risk of treating dogs with Oclacitinib?
Oclacitinib aka Apoquel may cause an increase in risk of infection
What is the mot common cause of protein losing nephropathies in dogs? What is a more uncommon cause and what dog breed is predisposed?
- Glomerulonephritis
- Soft coated wheatens develop a breed-associated glomerulopathy; tx with an ACE inhibitor such as benazepril
What is a common cause of infectious endocarditis in dogs?
Bartonellosis (B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffi)
How do you treat Afib?
List the etiologies of cutaneous vasculitis Cutaneous vasculitis is typically treated with?
Idiopathic, familial - like in jack russell and scottish terriers, german shepherds, secondary bacterial infections, systemic lupus erythematosus, rickettsial diseases.
Pentoxifylline and steroids such as prednisone or cyclosporine
Methicillin resistant staph is resistant to what antimicrobials? What is the preferred tx?
All beta-lactams aka penicillin, cephalosporins, carbapenams; often also resistant to tetracycline and streptomycin.
Preferred tx is topical AB including mupirocin, fusidic acid
Describe the clinical signs seen in a patient with a spinal chord lesion at L4-S3
Normal thoracic limbs bc lesion caudal to thoracic limbs, LMN deficits to pelvic limbs b/c the lesion is where our spinal nerves come off the lumbosacral intumescence.
Describe the clinical signs seen in a patient with a spinal chord lesion at T3-L3
‣ Caudal thoracic cranial lumbar region is most common area b/c lack of support in that specific region
‣ Loss of descending inhibition to pelvic limbs aka UMN deficits to pelvic limbs, thoracic limbs are normal b/c lesion is caudal to our thoracic limbs (caudal to T3).
Describe the clinical signs seen in a patient with a spinal chord lesion at C6-T2
◦ All motor neurons come off to innervate our thoracic limbs and brachial plexus
◦ LMN signs in thoracic limbs, UMN signs in pelvic limbs, Tetraparesis (two engine gait where thoracic and pelvic limb gait is different aka LMN to thoracic, UMN to pelvic)+/- absent cutaneous trunci, Horner syndrome if lesion at T1-T3
Describe the clinical signs seen in a patient with a spinal chord lesion at C1-C5
◦ Innervation for respiration here
◦ UMN deficits to all limbs (worse in pelvic limbs b/c tracts are more superficial and compressed more easily), Cutaneous trunci normal
Pimobendan is well tolerated in all patients except those with…
Cardiac arrhythmias
Describe a classic case of cervical spondylomyelopathy in a canine.
- difficulty rising after lying down
- hindlimb weakness and ataxia
- CP’s are intact in thoracic limbs but absent in pelvic limbs. Neuro exam is otherwise normal (spinal reflexes, nociception, withdrawal are normal)
Describe winter dysentery in cattle.
Winter dysentery is characterized by profound fluid diarrhea with a significant drop in milk production during the winter months. The etiology is technically unknown but it is proposed to be bovine coronavirus. There is no specific tx and animals usually recover on their own
Answer the following in regards to Brucellosis:
1. What are the clinical signs? How is it transmitted?
2. How is it diagnosed?
3. How is it treated?
4. What is the vaccine recommendation for Brucellosis?
- What are the clinical signs? Abortion in late gestation. Can cause abortion storms
- How is it diagnosed? Rose bengal test or brucella ring test How is it transmitted? Contact with aborted fluids or tissue.
- What is the vaccine recommendation for Brucellosis? Vaccinate heiffer @ 4-12 mo of age with RB51 vaccine. Tag placed in the right ear
What plant is pictured below? What happens if this plant is ingested?
Oleandar spp.
Contains cardiac glycosides