Posterior Mucles Flashcards
Joint: Atlantooccipital and Atlantoaxial joint
Action: Alantoocciptial – extension head and neck, lateral flexion head and neck
Atlantoaxial – rotation of head
Joint: shoulder (glenohumeral)
Action: anterior deltoid – flexion of shoulder
Lateral deltoid – abduction of shoulder
Posterior deltoid – extension of shoulder
triceps brachii
Joint: Elbow and Shoulder
Action: elbow – extension of forearm
Shoulder – extension and adduction of arm
latissmus dorsi
Joint: shoulder joint
Action: rotation, adduction, extension of arm
levator scapula
Joint: Scapulothoracic and cervical
Action: scapulothoracic – rotates glenoid cavity inferiorly
cervical - lateral flexion, extension of neck
Joints: scapulothoracic
Action: rotates scapula
Joint: glenohumeral
Action: abduction of arm
Joint: glenohumeral
Action: arm external rotation
teres minor
Joint: shoulder
Action: rotation, adduction of arm
teres major
Joint: shoulder
Action: extension and internal rotation of arm
gluteus maximus
Joint: hip
Action: extension, rotation, adduction abduction of thigh
gluteus medius
Joint: Hip
Action: abduction, rotation of thigh
Joint: hip
Action: rotation, abduction of thigh
tensor fascia lata
Joint: hip
Action: flexion, extension, abduction of hip
biceps femoris
Joint: Hip and knee
Action: Hip - extension, rotation of thigh
Knee - Flexion, rotation of leg
Joint: hip and knee
Action: Hip -extension, rotation of thigh
Knee - Flexion, rotation of leg
Joint: hip and knee
Action: hip - extension and rotation of thigh
Knee - Flexion and rotation of leg
Joint: talocrural and knee joint
Action: talocrural - foot plantar flexion
Knee joint - Leg flexion
Joint: talocrural joint
Action: foot plantar flexion
Joint: hip and knee
Action: Hip - flexion, abduction, rotation of thigh
Knee – flexion, internal rotation of leg
tibialis anterior
Joint: talocrural and subtalar
Action: talocrural – foot dorsiflexion
Subtalar – foot inversion