Lab 3 Epithelial Cells Flashcards
apical surface
surface of an epithelial cell facing the lumen or external environment
basal surface
surface of an epithelial cell facing the basement membrance
basement membrane
formed from the epithelial and underlying connective tissue. composed of non-cellular layers of collagen, glycoproteins and glycans. aids in attachment of the epithelial tissue and as a selective barrier to underlying connective tissue
central cavity or open space within an organ
what are the four types of epithelial cells
squamous (flat), cuboidal, columnar, transitional (changes shape from polyhedral to flat)
simple epithelium
one layer of epithelial cells, all cells in contact with basement membrane
stratified epithelium
two or more layers of epithelial cells
pseudostratified epithelium
appears layered due to the cells’ nuclei being distributed at different levels betweeen apical and basal surfaces
outer layer of skin
between epidermis and subcutaneous later
below dermis
stratum basale
deepest epidermal layer
stratum corneum
most superficial later of the skin
stratum granulosum
three to five layers of keratinocytes superficial to the stratum spinosum
stratum spinosum
between stratum granulosum and stratum basale
keratinocytes synthesize significant amount of protein keratin
simple squamous epithelium
single layer of thin flat cells, relatively flat nucleus of each cell bulges at center
thinnest possible barrier to allow for rapid diffusion and filtration, secretion in serous membranes
air sacs in lungs, lining of lumen of blood vessels and lymph vessels, serous membranes of body cavities (mesothelium)
simple cuboidal epithelium
single layer of cells cuboidal cells, spherical and centrally located nucleus
absorption and secretion, forms secretory tissue of most glands and small ducts
lining of kidney tubules, thyroid gland follicle, surface of ovary, secretory regions and ducts of most exocrine glands
simple columnar epithelium
single layer of cells taller than they are wide, oval shaped nucleus orientated lengthwise in basal region of cell, apical surface may have microvilli or cilia, may contain goblet cells
absorption and secretion, secretions of mucin and movement of mucus or oocyte in ciliated
lining of most gastrointestinal tract, lining of bronchioles and uterine tubes in ciliated
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
single layer of cells with varying heights, all cells connect to basement membrane but not all the apical surface. nonciliated has goblet cells, celiated does not
protection, secretions of mucin and movement of mucus in ciliated
lining of larger airways of respiratory tract including nasal cavity, part of pharynx larynx trachea and bronchi, rare-lining of male urethra and epididymis in nonciliated
transitional epithelium
epithelial appearance varies, depending on whether tissue is relaxed or distended, relaxed epithelium has cuboidal or polyhedral cells, and the apical cells are large and rounded, whereas distended has flattened cells at the apical surface, some cells are binucleated
accommodates urine volume changes in bladder, ureters, part of urethra
bladder, ureters, part of urethra
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
multiple cell layers; basal cells are cuboidal or polyhedral and alive, whereas apical cells are squamous, lack a nucleus, are filled with keratin, and are dead
protection of underlying tissue from abrasion
epidermis of skin
nonkeratinized stratified squamous
multiple cell layers; basal cells are cuboidal or polyhedral, whereas apical cells are squamous; all cells are living; each cell contains nucleus and organelles and lack keratin; superficial cells kept moist
protection of underlying tissue from abrasion
lining of oral cavity, part of pharynx and larynx, esophagus, lining of vagina, and anus
stratified cuboidal
two or more layers of cells; cells at apical surface are about as tall as they are wide
protection and secretion
ducts of most exocrine glands and ovarian follicles
stratified columnar
two or more layers of cells; cells at apical surface are taller than they are wide
protection and secretion
large ducts of salivary glands; conjunctiva covering the eye; lining of the membranous part of male urethra