population ecology Flashcards
study of the hierarchy of biological systems in interaction with their environments
what are the levels of biological organization?
- organism
- population
- community
- ecosystems
an individual animal
the study of an organism requires…
an understanding of its physiology and behavior that are used to survive, grow and reproduce
what is an example of a physiological property of an organism?
temp regulation, permits animal to live in changing and adverse environments
behaviors of organisms are important for
obtaining food, finding shelter, escaping enemies and bad env, finding mates, and tending offspring
group of organisms of the same species (or reproductive community)
what are measurable properties of populations?
population growth rate, mating systems, genetic variability
populations of many species living together, interact in complex manners
includes the living community and all of the abiotic, physical factors
abiotic and biotic factors in which animals live their lives
physical space where an animal lives and its defined by the animals normal activity
unique, multidimensional relationship of species iwth its env
what does a niche include
animals limits of temp, moisture, food, etc
can tolerate a wide range of env conditions, or exploit a wide range of resources
narrow dietary requirements or a limited tolerance to temp changes, etc
no two species can occupy the same niche if they are to live together in a stable ecological community
competitive exclusion principle
study of age structure, sex ratio, and growth rate and the factors that influence them for population
what defines the age pattern of a population from birth to death of the last member
survivorship curve
type 1 curve demonstrates
most individuals die at old age, rare in nature
type 2 curve demonstrates…. and represents animals that….
rate of mortality is constant across ages
-characterizes animals that care for their young
type 3 curve demonstrates….
species that reproduce large numbers of young but experience rapid and sustained mortality
population growth is the balance between
birth rate and death rates, birth - death
intrinsic rate of increase (r)
populations have the ability to grow exponentially.
depleted first
limiting resource
largest population that the limiting resource can support
carrying capacity (K)
diminishing resources ___ population growth rate