Electric charge
-two types of electric charge exist in our universe: positive and negative
-some particles have no charge (neutrons)
-some have a positive charge (protons)
-some have a negative charge (electrons)
-like charges repel each other, and unlike charges attract each other
Coulomb’s law
-applies to this force of attraction and repulsion (like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other)
-coulombs law found that the electrical force between two charges is proportional to the product of the two charges
-therefore, if one charge is doubled, the electric force is doubled
-if both charges are doubled, the electric force increases four times
-coulomb also found that the electric force varied inversely as the square of the distance between the charges -thus, when the distance between two forces doubles, the force between them decreases to 1/4 of the original force
-when the two forces are brought closer together, the force between them increases
-electricity is closely related to magnetism, which is a force of attraction
-all magnets have a north and south pole, each of which attracts its opposite and repels its similar pole
Magnetic fields
-exist whenever electric charges are moving
-when the moving charges are in a wire that loops, a torque results
-this effect is the basis for electric motors
-a device that converts mechanical energy, such as water coming down a waterfall, into electric energy
Electrical potential energy
-can be compared to the gravitational force associated with an objects position
-because of the force, the object has potential energy
-similarly, electrical potential energy is associated with the potential interaction of two objects’ charges
Potential difference
-the change in electrical potential energy
Device that changes the potential difference of electricity
-another term for potential difference
-a measure of the electrical energy available
A device that measures the potential difference between two points in an electrical circuit
Electricity moving through a circuit
Unit used to measure electrical current
Device that measures the current going through any specific point on the circuit
-wave by which the ability to flow through a circuit is limited
-resistor lowers voltage
Two types of circuits
-a series circuit has all its resistors in a row so that all current must travel through all resistors
-in a parallel circuit, all the resistors are arranged side-by-side so that they are all at the same voltage
-the connection between electricity and magnetism can be seen in an electromagnet
-ex. a wire wrapped around a nail and then connected to a battery will carry a current
-this will generate a magnetic field perpendicular to the circuit
-increasing the number of coils increases the strength of the magnetic field