Organisms that produce their own food from inorganic substances
Ex. Plants
Obtain food by consuming other plants and animals
Primary Consumers [Heterotrophs/Consumers]
Secondary Consumers [Heterotrophs/Consumers]
Carnivores or omnivores that eat herbivores
Tertiary Consumers [Heterotrophs/Consumers]
Carnivores that eat other carnivores or omnivores
Trophic Levels
How the organism meets its nutritional needs
-Most important trophic level in ecosystem
What is the Food chain?
Path along which food is transferred from level to level
Food web
Interrelationship of many food chains
-Bacteria and fungi which decompose organic material and release inorganic material
-inorganic material is then made available to plants
Biotic [factors that affect the ecosystem]
Factors that include the LIVING part of the ecosystem
Abiotic [factors that affect the ecosystem]
Factors are non living influences, such as temperature, humidity or soil composition
Separate species living together, (typically, not always, to the advantage of both)
Parasitism [symbiosis]
One species benefits and one species is harmed
Ex. Tape worm and human host
Commensalism [symbiosis]
One species benefits and one is unaffected
Ex. Remora and shark
Mutualism [symbiosis]
Both species benefits
Ex. Lichen, which is made up of a fungus and an alga and is found on a tree or rock
What is the Biosphere?
Entire portion of our planet that is inhabited by living things in a variety of ecosystems and communities
Groups of ecosystems that are common to the various types of geographical areas
[Terrestrial biomes: classified according to differences in climate]
Have little precipitation and are more arid than all of the other biomes
[Terrestrial biomes: classified according to differences in climate]
Tropical rain forests
-typically have relatively constant temp (68-90*F)
-constant daylight length throughout the year, high humidity, abundant rain
-biodiversity, having more species than any other area of the world
-trees grow tall, great competition for light, little light reaches forest floor
[Terrestrial biomes: classified according to differences in climate]
Deciduous forests
-usually found in the temperate, mid altitude regions of the world, where the air contains enough moisture to support the growth of larger trees
-deciduous trees such as oaks and maples are ones that drop their leaves during the dry months
-temperatures in this biome range widely from season to season
[Terrestrial biomes: classified according to differences in climate]
Coniferous forests
-taigas are found at high and cool elevations, where the seasons consist of short summers and long, chilly winters
-areas categorized by conifers, such as pine, and firs, which do not shed their leaves in the cold, dry months
[Terrestrial biomes: classified according to differences in climate]
-very cold temperature and high altitudes
-conditions allow shrubs and bushes to grow, but no trees
Aquatic biomes
-Abundant and include swamps, wetlands, rivers and streams, coral reefs, and estuaries.
-Marine biomes occupy the oceans and are classified according to their water depth and proximity to the shoreline