PHI GOM S92 MEL Flashcards
These are some MEL items that are good to know on short final to the platform. This does not cover all MEL items so look over the MEL list.
Repair Category C must be repaired within___days
10 Days
Repair Category B must be repaired within___days
3 Days
Repair Category D must be repaired within___days
120 Days
Are clouds considered “Visible Moisture” for MEL purposes?
What is an “M” or “O” procedure?
M- maintenance procedure
O- operational procedure (flight crew can complete)
Air Conditioning- Land or RTB?
Land (if you have a crew chief?)
may be able to correct by cycling twice within 2-5 seconds. IAW Maint Man. Begin with cockpit switch “OFF-AC-OFF-AC-OFF” Repeat with cabin switch.
May be INOP but requires maintenance inspection (if you don’t have a crew chief then you are stuck)
1 PSAS failure- Land or RTB?
Pilot may MEL for VFR flight if the other side is working correctly. Secure power to failed side. No maintenance is required. (Same for all Trim actuators and Mode select panel)
1 Radio failure- Land or RTB?
MEL if not required for the flight-
No maintenance required
1 Transponder- Land or RTB?
MEL if the other side is operative.
No Maintenance required
1 CVR/FDR-Land or RTB?
MEL if the other side is operative.
No Maintenance required
1 AC Generator-Land or RTB?
Land (if you have a crew-chief?)
MEL for VFR and fly with APU gen on.
Yes-Maintenance is required to inspect generator before flight.
APU Gen- Land or RTB?
(must inspect the Gen before MEL requiring a shutdown. We have no procedure to start the Engines without either APU or EXT Pwr)
MEL for VFR.
Yes-Maintenance inspection required.
1 D.C. Converter (400 or 125)- Land or RTB?
MEL for VFR. (400 Amp- if the other side and backup are operative. For 125 failure both 400 Amp converters must be operative)
No- Maintenance required.
ELT/DEB- Land or RTB?
MEL- no restrictions
No- Maintenance
VIB CTL- Land or RTB?
MEL- no restrictions
No- Maintenance
1 Fire Extinguisher- Land or RTB?
Cannot MEL
Must have both Cabin and Cockpit
Prime Pump-Land or RTB?
MEL- No restrictions
Must be repaired before next flight
so if you land offshore it has to be repaired before takeoff
Fuel Quantity Indicating system- Land or RTB?
MEL- Fuel tanks must be filled to full (Means max load is about 3600 for RTB)
No Maintenance
Inlet Anti-Ice, Pitot tube heat, Windshield Heater- Land or RTB?
MEL- No icing conditions. Some restrictions to VFR
No Maintenance
(For Windshield Cockpit heat must be operative.)
1 DCU- Land or RTB?
MEL- VFR only (other side must be operative)
No Maintenance
MDC- Land or RTB?
MEL - No restriction. However, must be corrected prior to next flight.
If you choose to land, shutting down may correct problem.
HUMS- Land or RTB?
MEL- No restrictions
No Maintenance
Both UNS- Land or RTB?
MEL- Must be able to NAV without GPS. Use VOR/ADF. VOR must have current accuracy check.
No Maintance
BMS- Land or RTB?
MEL- Okay for 10 flight hours
No Maintenance
1 ADC- Land or RTB?
MEL- VFR only
No Maintenance
1 AHRS- Land or RTB?
MEL- VFR only with good standby instruments
No Maintenance
TCAS-Land or RTB?
MEL- No restrictions
Pull TCAS CB- Pilots may perform this function