PHI GOM HEDA Flashcards
What weather report is used for a HEDA?
Area Forecast (5.22.1)
What section of the GOM is HEDA located
GOM 5.22
Part 5
Airborne RADAR Operator 5.22.2
FAP description
Final Approach Point located 4nm from the HEDA coordinates
HEDA dimensions
Helicopter En Route Descent Area:
1- An area 8nm in diameter that is entirely offshore, and
2- Completely free of FIXED obstacles
IF description, including altitude restrictions
Intermediate Fix:
A fix on the en route structure no more than 40nm from the HEDA coordinates.
No descent below 1500’ (MIA) until 20nm from HEDA
When does the Intermediate Segment begin and what should be acomplished?
Begins within 40nm Obtain weather if available (normally before 40nm) Request cruise clearance May descend to 1500 MIA Within 20nm descend to 900' MSL Confirm RADALT and RADAR working
GOM 5.22.3
When does the Final Descent begin?
Descent begins at 4nm at 900’ MSL
ARO confirms clear area and instructs pilot to descend
Before descent below 700’ MSL (min alt w/o RADALT) ARO confirms RADALT operational.
Min ALT for HEDA with RADALT failed and operational
700’ MSL (failed) or 400’ AWL (operational)
Min Altitude if RADAR target within 1nm of aicraft
900’ MSL
Min Altitude without RADALT or RADAR or with
ANY obstruction in area (not within 1nm)
700’ MSL
Min Altitude for HEDA (everything operational) and no obstacles in the HEDA area.
400’ AWL
List four conditions for missed approach
1- Not VMC at HEDA coordinates
2- Failure of RADAR
3- Target in HEDA below 700’ MSL
4- Failure of RADALT below 700’ MSL
Describe Missed HEDA Procedure
Climb on heading to 900’ MSL, then a climbing turn to 2000’ MSL to the HEDA and hold 3.0nm legs on final approach course, or as directed by ATC, remain with 10nm of HEDA coords
Descent Below 700’ AWL is not allowed with either of the two following conditions:
- Any obstructions in the HEDA
2. Radio altimeter inoperative
What FAA Advisory Circular governs HEDA and OSAP?
AC 90-80