PHI GOM Arrival 1.21 Flashcards
Is it an acceptable practice to open the door in order to make a landing to an unimproved area?
no. If the landing site is that small you shouldn’t be landing there. (1.21.2)
Landing to an unimproved landing site requires _______ or ______ approval
Area manager or lead pilot (1.21.2)
Full in-ground-effect is available when the helideck is _______times the rotor disk.
1.5 times the rotor disk.
S-92= 84 feet (56.4 x 1.5)(1.21.3
A landing area less than one rotor diameter is considered a________ helideck.
Restricted (1.21.3)
The _____of the helicopter should be as close to the _____of the landing area as possible.
Minimum restricted category for Large helicopters are _________ _______.
Individually approved
During Day unimproved area operation, the High Recon will be performed above____agl.
FON 13-43
During Night unimproved area operation, the initial High Recon will be performed above____agl.
FON 13-43
Minimum clearance between two aircraft with either or both rotors turning is_____feet.
Minimum clearance between large aircraft and a fixed object taller than 4 feet is_____feet.
High Wind Conditions are defined by what three conditions:
Sustained winds of___ knots
Gust spread of ___knots
Thunderstorms within____nm.
Sustained winds of 30 knots
Gust spread of 15 knots
Thunderstorms within 10 nm
T/F. With regard to Wind limits “hover” is considered a ground operation.
Hover, Taxi, Startup, shutdown.
If winds are greater than 30 knots (high winds) and not within 60 deg of the ACFT heading are ground operations permitted?
(so if the wind shifted while you were shut down you would not be able to start up and turn into the wind without DO approval)
What wind conditions require pax off/on-load at 100%?
Winds between 30 to 40 knots and between 30 and 60 deg of the nose.
Flight/Ground operations are not permitted when winds are greater than____knots for medium/heavy aircraft.
Ground taxi on a helideck is limited to _____feet and _____degrees.
10 feet
15 Degrees
Perform the pre-landing check when the Pilot Flying calls for it, but no later than: (assume you are IFR) a. b. c.
a. Two miles prior to the final approach fix or:
b. Prior to the final radar vector or:
c. When a procedure turn or course reversal is required, then during the outbound leg.
(1. 22.10.4)
Maximum rate of descent for night approach is______.
Winds are 59 gust to 65 directly off the nose, may you conduct ground operations in a medium/heavy aircraft?
Although the sustained winds are less than 60 and gust less than 15. paragraph 1.21.7 and 2.3.3 limits ALL operations to 60 knots or less.
Max sustained winds for ground OPS
W/in 30 deg of the nose____kts
30 to 60 ______kts
>60 _____kts