PHI GOM PC2 Flashcards
DP for onshore landing
100 feet and ~20 KTS
DP for helideck landing
50 feet and ~10KTS
If PC2 profile cannot be maintained what should the crew do
verbally announce that a normal profile will be used and omit the DP calls
Max nose down attitude for takeoff
10 deg
Onshore DP and Offshore DP2 is_____KIAS
Vy is____KIAS at Sea Level
Onshore landing- Max rate of descent
PNF will begin PC2 call at _____feet. PNF will call out _____, _______, and _____.
Altitude, Groundspeed, and Rate of descent.
On/Offshore Landing-
The flying pilot will reply to the DP call with_____
Max landing rate of descent_____fpm.
Accelerate to Vtoss _______KIAS for:
Onshore Takeoff-
Onshore landing-
Engine Failure after DP-
60 Vtoss
(new PC2 procedure 1/20/2014)
(33 deg at MGW = 60 VTOSS (45DP) for PC2)
Figure 4-9. Cat ‘A’ Horizontal Takeoff and Landing Gross Weight
Onshore Takeoff-
Engine Failure After DP and flying away- Retract landing gear when________ is established
positive rate of climb
PC2 should be with a maximum crosswind of _______knots
35 kt crosswind
(new PC2 procedure 1/20/2014)
Remain within the GOM wind limits and you will not exceed a 35 knot crosswind. Remember termination to a hover is “Ground Operations” 1.21.5
Helideck takeoff-
If possible, position the aircraft ____to___feet from edge of the solid deck. If unable to then position so that visual reference with the ____can be maintained.
10 to 15 feet
Offshore takeoff- Max hover torque_____. Pull minimum of _____% above hover torque.
RFM PART 1 Fig 3-35: MGW at 10 feet will be around 82% no wind. Since you should be hovering at about 5 feet your PR should be less than 82%
Offshore takeoff DP is at ______
15 feet
Offshore DP2 is at ______
45 knots
PNF will call DP when ALL of the following (6 items) are met. If not, call “Go around”
- 10 to 12 deg angle to the farthest 1/3 of the deck
- Maximum 35 kt crosswind
(new PC2 Proc 1/20/14)) - Maintain visual reference with the deck.
- In a position to land to the center of the deck if engine fails.
- Not exceeding 600 fpm ROD
- 50 feet above the deck and~10GS
Terminate in a ____foot hover
5 foot
Engine failure after DP- Set nose attitude to____
20 deg down
Offshore Takeoff-
Engine failure after DP- Accelerate to _____KIAS.
Offshore Takeoff-
Engine failure after DP. If DP2 is not achieved by_____feet call for ditch
50 feet
Offshore Landing-
Engine failure after DP- Continue on the ______ _______
Landing Profile
Onshore takeoff-
Set ____% above hover torque and a max of ____deg nose down.
10 deg
(PC2 ref says to set 10% above not a min like offshore)