How are the two main AC Generators cooled?
Spray oil cooled from the main gearbox oil system.
Electrical output of the S-92A main generators?
Three-phase 115/200 VAC
420 Hz
60-75 KVA
Peak of 90 KVA during emergencies.
How is the APU Generator cooled?
Air Cooled.
What frequency do the brushless AC generators produce at 105% Nr?
420 Hz
What is the peak KVA rating of the APU GEN?
peak 45KVA
(main gen peaks at 90, double the APU)
normal 30-35 KVA
How is DC electrical power produced in the S-92A?
Through 2 primary 400 amp DC converters located in the nose electronics bay.
A 125 amp backup converter in the #2 avionics rack will produce DC power if both primary converters fail.
What external electrical power is available with the S-92A?
AC - 6 pins. 1 for each of the three phases and ground. 2 small pins for ext power monitor
DC - 2 pins
Ref: S-92 MTM ATA Chap 24
What indication is available to alert the pilot the external power is connected to the aircraft?
What electrical equipment is shed if only the APU GEN is supplying electrical system power?
The K-5 relay sheds these items:
Windshield Heat (pilot side is recoverable) AVC RIPS #1 Engine Anti-Ice Matts Air comp #2 if i stalled
What indication is displayed if Engine anti-ice is on and the pilot windshield override switch is activated with only APU GEN electrical power available?
What electrical equipment is lost if one main AC Generator fails?
Should you turn off the Battery switch for a BATT HOT caution?
No, Land as soon as Practical.
The Battery Hot Relay will automatically disengage charging of the battery from the #1 DC Converter, allowing it to discharge into the Utility and Holdup Busses and cool the battery.
Above what temperature does the BATT HOT caution activate?
70 C
Below what temperature does the BATT HOT caution extinguish?
63 C
What electrical equipment is lost if one DC Converter fails?
The #1 DC Converter normally powers what busses? (UH-1)
#1 DC Primary
Batt Utility
Batt Holdup
The #2 DC Converter normally powers what busses? (2BE)
#2 DC Primary
DC Essential
After a dual DC Converter failure, the Backup Converter and Battery will power what busses?
B/U converter powers DC Essential (Items Essential for IFR flt) Battery bus (items for VFR flt)
Battery powers:
battery Utility
battery Holdup
(Utility and Holdup are always powered by the same source)
What avionics equipment in the cockpit is powered after a Dual DC Converter failure? What instrument approches are available.
Pilots MFD #3 and #4 Pilot Nav instruments (ILS, VOR, ADF) Pilots AHRS #1 RTU #1 FMS
You can shoot all approaches from the pilots side. For GPS you will need to couple to the CP FMS side #1. All comms/NAV will be set through the CP RTU.
In flight the AC Gens will drop off line at what Nr?
95% on deck
Ref: S-92 MTM ATA Chap 24
What are the four items powered with the battery switch off and from what bus?
Fuel Precheck (Press fuel without bat on)
Fuel selector valves (fuel crossfeed no AC pwr)
External power receptacle (allows ext pwr)
Battery control
powered by Battery Utility bus
What does the AC Generators PMG provide power to?
The PMG (permanent magnetic generator) supplies the GCU only.
Ref: S-92 MTM ATA Chap 24