Pharm Intro Flashcards
Sympathetic Baby Relax
Sympathetic adrenergic neurons, activate beta receptors, dilation of airways
PARents MUSt CONstrict
Parasympathetic Cholinergic neurons activate Muscarinic receptors and lead to constriction of airways
Beta agonists and anticholinergic drugs would cause dilation of airways which is helpful for treating obstructive lung disease like
asthma, COPD, bronchiectassis, bonchiolitis…..
This seems like an important point
Is the lung fairly permeable to medication in comparison to other routes of delivery?
Sympathetic nerves do not directly innervate bronchial smooth muscle in humans.
Beta 2 adrenergic agonists cause bronchial smooth muscle relaxation and are effective against early bronchospasm but not late
Beta 2 receptors mostly found where?
Beta 1 receptors mostly found where>
At high concentrations, Beta 2 agonists can produce what?
CV stimulation, prolonged QT interval especially under hypokalemic conditions
Beta 2 stimulation of skeletal muscle Na/K ATPase pumps leads to
Rise in intracellular K and lower serum K (hypokalemia- low K in blood). THis can worsen QT elongation
Pts with a loss of Beta 2 activity can have it restored with what?
corticosteroids, increase transcriptional activity in favor of new Beta 2 receptors, restore drug sensitivity.
Other Beta 2 adrenergic effects
Mast cell stimulation leads to reduced histamine release
Increased beat frequency of cillia, facilitates mucocilliary clearance
Vascular endothelial permeability reduced leading to less vascular leakage and less airway obstruction.
Why is the way the patient inhales when using an aerosolized drug so important?
Because the bioavailability of the drug is increased when more of it gets to the alveoli where the epithelium is thinner.
In regards to side effects, what is significant about aerosolized drug depositing throughout the airways?
Adverse effects can occur, such as oral candidiasis when drugs like inhaled steroids deposit in the oropharynx
Does the SNS or PNS dominate in regards to autonomic innervation of bronchial smooth muscle?
PNS. SNS nerve fibers extend to glands, vessels, and PG ganglia, but they do NOT innervate bronchial smooth muscle.