PE prods 2 Flashcards
What are the 2 types of carbohydrate
Simple and complex
What are the 3 types of fat
Saturated, cholesterol, transfats
What are the 6 vitamins you need to know
C, D, B1, B2, B6, B12
What are the 3 minerals you need to know
Sodium, calcium, Iron
What are the 4 types of dietary supplements you need to know
- Glycogen loading
- Creatine monohydrate
- Caffiene
- Sodium bicarbonate
What are the 3 stages of a warm up
Jog, stretch, movement patterns
What are the 2 types of stretching you need to know
Ballistic and static
What anagrams are used for the principles of training
Progressive overload
What is FITT
What is periodization
Dividing training into specific sections for a purpose
What are the 3 cycles in periodization
Macro cycle - long term planning
Mesocycle - 4 - 12 weeks on one aspect
Microcycle - One week, few days, one session
Training methods to improve physical fitness (6)
- Continuous
- Fartlek
- Interval
- Circuit
- Weight
2 types of injury
Acute or chronic
Types of acute injury (4)
Strains (muscle)
Sprains (ligament)
Types of chronic injury
- Achilles tendonitis
- tennis elbow
- Stress fractures
Injury prevention methods (5)
- Screening
- Protective equipment
- Warm up
- Flexibility training
- Taping and bracing
Injury rehabilitation methods ( 5)
- Proprioceptive training (hoping jumping balance to restore proprioception
- Strength training
- Hyperbaric chamber
- Cryotherapy
- Hydrotherapy
Methods of recovery from exercise (7)
- Compression garments
- Massage
- Foam rollers
- Cold therapy
- Ice baths
- Cryotherapy
- Sleep and nutrition
Newton’s 3 laws
- Law of inertia
- Law of acceleration
- Law of action/reaction
3 perspectives of personality
social learning
Hollanders model
3 parts (interactionist)
Typical responses
Role related behaviour
4 ways attitudes can form
- Past experiences
- Socialisation
- Social learning
- Media
What triadic model explains
How an attitude is made up of 3 parts
What are the 3 parts of an attitude according to the triadic model
- Cognitive (beliefs/thoughts)
- Affective (emotions/feelings)
- Behavioural (actions/responses)
4 ways to change attitudes
- Ensure positive/successful experiences
- Praise positive attitudes
- Punish negative attitudes
- Using role models to highlight positive attitudes
5 theories of arousal
- Drive
- Inverted U
- Catastrophe
- Zone of optimal functioning
- Peak flow
4 types of anxiety
- Somatic
- Cognitive
- Competitive state
- Competitive trait
3 ways of measuring anxiety
- questionnaires
- Observation
- Physiological methods
What is aggression often confused with
4 theories of aggression
- Instinct
- Frustration aggression
- Aggressive cue
- Social learning theory
2 types of motivation
Intrinsic and extrinsic
What theory is Atkinson’s model for
Achievement motivation theory
What did Atkinson state about achievement motivation
During demanding situations a performer will exhibit either a NACH or NAF characteristics
What 2 categories of others did zajonc suggest their is
Passive and interactive
What are the 2 types of Passive others
Audience and co-actors
What are the 2 types of interactive others
Competitive co-actors and social reinforcers
How does drive theory link to zajonc
increased arousal from others causes a dominant response. This is good for experts but bad for novices
What was tuckmans model for
To show group formation
What were the 4 steps in tuckmans model
Forming, storming, norming, performing
What are the 2 types of cohesion in group dynamics
Social and task
What 4 things did Carron say affects group dynamics
- Personal
- Environmental
- Leadership
- Team
What was steiners model for group performance
Actual productivity = potential productivity - faulty processing
What is the ringleman effect
The more performers in a group the lower each individuals performance will be
what are the 4 types of goal
- Task orientated
- Process
- Performance
- Outcome
What anagram is used for principles of effective goal setting
What does SMARTER stand for
Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time bound Evaluate Re-do
What theory is Weiners model for
Attribution theory
What are the 2 dimensions in wieners model
Locus of causality and locus of stability
What is on locus of causality
External - internal
What is on locus of stability
Stable - unstable
what is in stable part
Ability - task difficulty
What is in unstable part
Effort - luck
What is on internal part
Ability - effort
What is on external part
Task difficulty - luck
What is attribution theory linked to
Task persistence, motivation, learned helplessness
Who had a theory on self efficacy
What were 4 things that affect self efficacy according to bandura (PA, VE, VP, EA)
- Performance accomplishments
- Vicarious experiences
- Verbal persuasion
- Emotional arousal
Who had a model on sports confidence
What were 3 types of confidence vealey came up with
- Trait sports confidence
- State sports confidence
- Competiveness orientation
What are the 2 ways someone becomes a leader
- prescribed or emergent
What are the 3 types of leader
Laissez- faire
What are the 2 theories on leadership
Fielders contingency model and chelladurai’s multi dimensional model on leadership
What did Fielder say should be the 2 approaches that should be adopted when being a leader
- task orientated or person orientated
What dictates what leadership style should be used
The favourableness of the situation
most and least use task orientated
moderately favourable use person orientated
What does Chelladurai’s model say about leadership
Leaders should adapt their approach dependant on the situation in hand
What 3 things should be considered in chelladurai’s model
Situation, Leader, group
What are the 2 types of stress
- Eustress = positive responses
- Distress = negative responses
What are the 2 responses to stress
Somatic and cognitive
State the somatic strategies to reduce stress (5)
- Biofeedback (equipment)
- Breathing control
- Centring
- Warm up
State the cognitive strategies to reduce stress (7)
- Psychological skills training
- Mental rehearsal
- Visualisation
- Imagery
- Positive self- talk
- Negative thought stopping
- Attentional control and cue utilisation (arousal)
Who made a model on attentional focus
What are the 2 dimensions of attentional focus in Nideffers model
- Broad - narrow (number of cues)
- Internal - external (Where focus is place)