PDX_27_Acoustics Part 2 Flashcards
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
Velocity of sound (FPS)/Frequency of sound (HZ)=
Wavelength (λ)
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
Acoustic power (P)/4πr²=
Sound intensity (watts/unit area)*we typically deal with decibels instead
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
Sound intensity (I₁) / (I₂)=Distance from source (r²₂) / (r²₁)
Inverse square law
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
10 log (Intensity of sound being measured)/Reference intensity of 1x10⁻¹⁶
Sound intensity level (decibel)
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
(Barrier transmission, TL)-10log [(area of barrier wall, S) /(total absorption of receiving room, Ar)]
Noise reduction (dB)
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
Three basic qualities of sound:
Velocity, frequency, and power
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This quality depends on the medium in which the sound is traveling and the temperature of that medium
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This quality as the number of cycles completed per second, measured in hertz
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This quality of acoustical energy, measured in Watts
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Velocity of sound in air:
1130 ft./s(A constant)
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Velocity of sound in wood:
11,700 ft./s
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Velocity of sound in water:
4,500 ft./s
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Velocity of sound in steel:
18,000 ft./s
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The distance between similar points on successive waves or the distant sound travels and one cycle. Measured linear feet.
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Human ear can hear sounds in this range:
20 Hz – 20,000 Hz range
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Most sensitive sound range to the human ear is:
125 Hz – 6000 Hz range
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
Speech is composed of sound primarily in this range:
100 Hz – 600 Hz
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A range of frequencies in which the upper frequency is twice that of the lower
Octave band
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
In building acoustics, measurements and analysis is often divided into___ identified by their center frequency
Eight octave bands
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
Types of sound measurement:The decibel, how intense the sound is
Send intensity level (IL)
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Types of sound measurement:Watts/cm², The power at the source
Sound power level (PWL)
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Types of sound measurement:The pressure exerted by the sound waves on a surface at a given location, varies with barometric pressure.
Sound pressure level (SPL)
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Smallest difference into sounds the human ear can detect is:
1 dB
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Each increase of 10 dB the human ear perceives as:
10x loudness
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
130 dB
Decibel level at threshold of pain:
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Typically doubling the distance between the source and the ear reduces levels by:
6 dB
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
Human years more sensitive to sounds in these frequencies:
Middle frequencies
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
Walls located between source and here are most effective located:
Close to source
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
The scale of the most closely represents the response of the human ear is called the:
A scaleWhen measurements using to a scaler converted to decimals, the resultant measure is designated dBA
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
The difference (in dB) between the sound power incident on a barrier in a source room and the sound power radiated into a receiving room on the opposite side of the barrier
Transmission loss (TL)
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The arithmetic difference (in decibels) between the intensity levels in two rooms separated by a barrier of a given transmission loss.
Noise reduction (NR)
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Method of rating walls, doors, etc. In terms of their typical or overall resistance to sound transmission.
Sounds transmission class (STC)
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
Typical STC ratings:STC 25
Normal speech can be clearly heard through barrier
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
Typical STC ratings:STC 30
Lab speech can be heard and understood well, normal speech to be heard, but barely understood.
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Typical STC ratings:STC 35
Loud speech can be heard but not understood
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Typical STC ratings:STC 41-45
Loud speech can only be faintly heardCan’t hear normal speech at all
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
Typical STC ratings:STC 46–50
Loud speech is not audibleLoud sounds other than speech can only be faintly heard
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Variables of sound have been consolidated into a set of curbs used and specifying the maximum noise level in a given space under a given set of conditions
Noise criteria (NC) curves
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A modification of NC curves that have sound pressure level slower than the NC curves on the low/high-frequency needs of the chart.
Preferred noise criteria (PNC)
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The apparent change in frequency or wavelength of a wave it’s perceived by an observer moving relative to the source of the wave
Doppler effect
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
Used to measure the degree of isolation of impact noises in a structure A ‘tapping machine’ is used
Impact isolation class (IIC)
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Mess law is based on the principle that the larger the mass the less it will:
PDX_28_Acoustics #3
Technique used to hide unwanted sounds by the addition of controlled sounds (a.k.a. pink/white noise)
Sound masking