Ballast Definitions Flashcards

British thermal unit
Btu =
Energy to raise 1 lb of water 1 degree F
A device in a building control system that receives commands from a controller and activates a piece of equipment
The ratio of annual fuel output energy to annual input energy. This includes nonseasonal pilot light input losses
Annual fuel utilization efficiency AFUE
Unitless number that is a rating of the efficiency of heating or cooling equipment derived by dividing the steady-state rate of energy output/removal of the equipment by the steady-state rate of energy input to the equipment. The output and input values must be an equivalent units, such as watts out to watts in.
Coefficient of performance COP
A device that measures, analyzes, and initiates actions in a building control system
In a building control system, the range of temperature within which neither heating or cooling is called for
Dead band
The ratio of net cooling capacity in BTU per hour to the total rate of electrical input in watts under designated operating conditions
Energy efficiency ratio EER
The computer-based system used to monitor and control facility energy use. And EMS is typically part of the building automation system.
Energy management system EMS
A method of cooling a building by direct contact with the earth or by circulating air through underground tunnels to cool it
Ground coupled cooling
A measure of the performance of a heat pump operating in the heating cycle.
Heating seasonal performance factor HSPF