what is SGA?
children born small for gestational age
what is LGA?
children born large for gestational age
what is GDM
children born to mothers with gestational diabetes
when can predisposition to obesity occur?
before a child is born (genetics)
what occurs in the fetal environment?
can permanently alter metabolic process to a more thrifty phenotype so that glucose homeostasis malfunctions during conditions of overabundance of nutrients
what can result from an altered fetal environment?
insulin resistance, increased risk of CV disease and evidence of metabolic syndrome
what does puberty result in?
reduced insulin sensitivity and a compensatory increase in insulin secretion
what is the percentage increase for insulin by T1D entering puberty?
what happens when a child has reached full adolescents?
transitionary situation, insulin sensitivity and secretion returns
what is IGT?
impaired glucose tolerance
what is IFG?
impaired fasting glucose
what is PCOS?
polycystic ovarian syndrome
what is NAFLD?
non alcoholic fatty liver disease
what is the duration of T2DM?
happens over a period of years
what does T2DM result from?
metabolic disturbances occur when body is constantly overwhelmed by trying to deal with overabundance of food and lack of activity
what does dyslipidemia increase the risk of?
CV disease
what begins the atherosclerosis process?
oxidation of access LDL in bloodstream is taken up by immune cells that deposit in the arteries
what is the first sign of atherosclerosis?
fatty steaks - have been found in coronary arteries in children younger than 9
what is BP maintained through?
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
what do adipocytes release?
what is BMI positively correlated with?
plasma concentrations of angiotensinogen along with other adipokines
what is Acanthosis Nigricans?
condition common in obesity- caused by insulin resistance
- area of hyperpigmentation, found in body folds (back of neck, under arms, groin)
- can appear brown/black, area of thicker, velvety skin
how does Acanthosis Nigricans get resolved?
through diet change, increase in activity
what is PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)
associated with obesity and hyperondrogenism - hyperinsulinemia related to insulin resistance
what is hyperandrogegism?
results in excess body hair, acne, elevated levels of testosterone
what can failure of ovulation cause?
cysts that develop on the ovaries and the condition is usually accompanied by menstrual irregularities
what is NAFLD (non alcoholic fatty liver disease)?
related to obesity, may be caused by dysresgulation of lipid metabolism
-can be asymptomatic but progresses to cirrhosis- which can lead to liver failure
what 2 conditions improve with weight loss exercise?