Pathology of musculoskeletal system Flashcards
What patient population is more predisposed to Achilles tendinitis
Patients with limited flexibility and strength in the gastroc and Soleus complex pronated or cavus feet
Who is more likely to have adhesive capsulitis?
- Patients with diabetes
- women more than men
- individuals between 40 and 60 years old
Should you avoid during treatment with a patient diagnosed with adhesive capsulitis?
The therapist should be mindful of overstretching and increasing pain intensity. May lead to an increased loss of motion
What is congenital hip dysplasia?
Malalignment of the for moral head within the acetabulum which develops during the last trimester need a Roo
- clinical presentation asymmetrical hip abduction with the tightness for moral shortening on involves side positive or Ortilani, Barlow or diagnostic ultrasound
And congenital torticollis lateral cervical flexion will happen on which side of the contracture?
Lateral cervical flexion will be on the same side as a contracture rotation will be to the opposite side-
child may have facial asymmetry’s
How is congenital torticollis initially managed?
Emphasis on stretching active range of motion positioning and education
- surgical management occurs when conservative has failed past one year of age
- surgical release can be followed by physical therapy
Subluxation and dislocation are considered to be part of glenohumeral instability what is the difference between the two?
Subluxation :feeling of popping paresthesia sensation of feeling dead positive apprehension test capsular tenderness
Dislocation: severe pain paresthesias limited range of motion weakness visible shoulder fullness I am supported by other side
What are the three test that can be used to identify impingement syndrome?
___ tests—
Signs and symptoms include deep pain in the shoulder pain with overhead activity painful arc of motion within 70 to 120° of EF duction positive impingement sign tenderness over greater to tuberosity and bicipital Grove
What are signs and symptoms of systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Occurs in 10 to 20% of cases
- acute onset with high fevers, rash
- enlargement of the spleen and liver
- inflammation of the lungs and heart
What are the signs and symptoms of polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
- Accounts for 30 to 40% of JRA cases
- high female occurrence
- arthritis in more than four joints with symmetrical joint involvement
oligio articular Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
or Pauarticular JRA accounts for 40 to 60% of cases
-affects less than five joints with asymmetric all joints involvment
Lateral epicondylitis affects which muscles?
Eccentric loading of the wrist extensor muscles usually the extensor carpi radialis brevis leads to pain
- most commonly seen in 30 to 50 years of age
What is leg calve Perthes disease?
Degeneration of the femoral head due to disturbance of blood supply; avascular necrosis
- 4 stages consist of condensation fragmentation ratification and remodeling
- patient will show decreased range of motion antalgic gait the positive Trendelenburg sign
Will wait and bearing and rotation all forces increase or decrease meniscus tear related symptoms
Is osteoarthritis more common in men or women? What is the typical population this affects?
- More common in men than women up to age 55
- more common in women later on in life
- risk factors overweight fractures other joint injuries occupational or athletic overuse
What is osteogenesis imperfecta
Connective tissue disorder affecting collagen formation during bone development four classifications vary in level of severity
- Genetic causes types 1 and 4 are autosomal dominant
- type 2 and 3 are considered Autosomal Recessive
-signs/ symptoms include pathological fractures osteoporosis hyper mobile joints bowing of long bones weakness scoliosis and impaired respiratory function
Physical therapy management of osteogenesis imperfecta includes
- Focus on active range of motion emphasis on symmetrical movement positioning, functional mobility, fracture management, use of orthotics,
- severe cases require wheelchair prescription and training
Patients with patella for moral syndrome or chondromalacia patella will demonstrate increased or decreased tibial torsion or femoral anteversion?
Will show increased tibial torsion and tomorrow anteversion
Who is more at risk for developing patella for moral syndrome
- Females individuals experiencing growth spurt’s
- runners who have recently increase mileage
- overweight individuals
Signs and symptoms of patellofemoral syndrome
Anterior knee pain pain with prolong sitting swelling crepitus pain when going up and downstairs
Rehabilitation of patella femoral syndrome includes
Strengthening of the vastus medialis oblique Medial patellar glides lower extremity Flexibility exercise help pain control Patellar taping
Where does the PCL connect to an originate from
The PCL runs from the posterior intercondylar of the tibia to the lateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle in the intercondylar notch
Who is most likely to have rheumatoid arthritis
Women 40 to 60 years old
A patient presents with tenderness in her hand with morning stiffness, decrease in appetite, increase fatigue, swan neck deformity and boutonniere deformity, And fever what could be her diagnosis?
Rheumatoid arthritis these are symptoms and signs that could be present for a patient who had rheumatoid arthritis
- may initially occur at any joints but it’s common in small joints like hand foot and ankle wrist
- Swan neck deformity: DIP flexion PIP hyperextension
- Boutonniere: DIP extension PIP flexion