Cardiovascular examination Flashcards
What should you do if abnormal sounds are suspected during lung auscultation
Compare intensity, pitch, quality of sounds bilaterally. ID sounds as vesicular, broncovesicular bronchial or absent
What are normal sounds heard in the trachea
- loud tubular
- tracheal and bronchail sounds
What type of breath sounds should be heard in the distal Airways
- Vesicular breath sounds: high pitched breezy sounds.
- Bronchial sounds heard over distal airways are abnormal and indicate consolidation or compression of lung tissue that facilitate transmission of sound
What breath sounds are considered abnormal?
Adventitious breath sounds. Crackle (formally rails). Plural friction rub Rhonchi Strider Wheeze Decreased or diminished sound Absent breath sound
Adventitious breath sounds.
Abnormal breath sounds heard with inspiration and/or expiration can be continuous or discontinuous
Crackle (formally rails).
Abnormal continuous high-pitched popping sound
- Heard in inspiration.
- Associated with restrictive or obstructive respiratory disorders
- Represent moving of secretions during inspiration (wet crackles).
- Sudden opening of closed Airways (dry crackles)
- If occurring in later half of inspiration indicates atelectasis, fibrosis, pulmonary edema, or plural effusion.
- heard at the bases of the lungs
Plural friction rub
- Dry crackling heard an inspiration and expiration.
- Happens when inflamed visceral and parietal pleura rub together
Continuous low pitch sounds similar to snoring or gurgling.
- CONTINOUS unlike crakcles that are discontinuous
Occur in inspiration and expiration
-Happens when air passes through obstructed airway of inflammatory secretions, liquid, bronchial spasm or neoplasms
High pitched wheeze
- indicating upper airway obstruction
- Occurs during inspiration or expiration
- Continuous whistling with a variety of pithces.
- Heard in inspiration and or expiration but variable from minute to minute and area to area.
- Comes from turbulent airflow and vibrations of airway walls.
- due to narrowing caused by: bronchospasm, edema, collapse, secretions, neoplasm or foreign body
Is the duration of inspiration longer or shorter in the trachea? Distal airways?
Trachea- Inspiration is shorter expiration is longer. slight pause in btwn
Distal airways:Inspiratory phase is longer expiratory phase is shorter. No pause
Bronchial breath sounds
Abnormal breath breath sounds heard in locations where vesicular sounds are normally present.
May indicate pneumonia
what do decreased or diminished breath sounds indicate
hypo ventilation
what do absent breath sounds indicate
Long collapse or pneumothorax
What is broncophony
Increased vocal residence with greater clarity and loudness spoken words.
what is egophony
Spoken long :E” sound changes to long nasal sounding “A” sound
Is whispered pectoriloquy
recognition of whispered words 123
What is the anatomic location for electrode limb leads for the right atrium
right arm Infraclavicular fossa medial to the right deltoid muscle
What is the anatomic location for electrode limb leads for the Left atrium
left arm Infraclavicular fossa medial to the left deltoid muscle
What is the anatomic location for electrode limb leads for the right ventricle
Left side of the abdomen below the rib cage left leg
What is the anatomic location for electrode limb leads for the left ventricle
Right side of the abdomen below the rib cage right leg
What is the anatomical location of the chest electrodes for precordial leads V1 and V2
Fourth intercostal space at the right (v1) or left (v2)sternal border
What is the anatomical location of the chest electrodes for precordial leads V3
The way between the one and the V2 and V4
What is the anatomical location of the chest electrodes for precordial leads V4
5th intercostal space at mid left midclavicular line
What is the anatomical location of the chest electrodes for precordial leads V5 V6
v5 Left anterior axillary line at V4 level.
v6 Left mid axillary line at V4 and V5 levels
P wave
Atrial depolarization
PR interval
Time for atrial depolarization and conduction from SA node to AV node.
0.1 - .20 seconds
QRS complex
Interventricular depolarization and atrial repolarization. 0.06 - 0.10 seconds
QT interval
Time for ventricular depolarization and repolarization. 0.20- 0.40 seconds
ST segment
Isoelectric period Following QRS when ventricles are depolarized
T wave
ventricular repoloarization