Parenchymal injury Flashcards
a clinical syndrome characterized by immediate and tansient loss of neurological function secondary to mechanical forces
full loss of memory about events immediately prior to trauma, during the trauma, immediately after the trauma
concussion can cause functional damage to set of neurons that have various communication to various parts of the brain.
reticular activating system
no physical loss or change in brain tissue
stretching of neurons in the white matter(medulla oblongata and corpus callous)
diffuse axonal injury: most commonly involves the brainstem
causes of differ axonal injury
accleration-deceleration trauma (whiplash)
auto accidents
shaken baby syndrome
hemorrhage into the superficial parenchyma due to blunt trauma
2 anatomical changes due to contusion
- coup: damage to brain directly under the area (head immobile and force mobile)
- contra-coup:damage in frontal lobe when in in back of the head. (force immobile and head mobile)
can cause interference with cranial nerves and be an opening for infection
basilar skull fracture
2 MC basilar skull fractures
orbital plate or frontal lobe
fracture of pyramid
tear of brain tissue and rupture of vessels that result in hemorrhage
subarachnoid hemorrhage is not a _____
stroke: it is a rupture of an aneurysm without trauma
hemorrhage from laceration can occur in these two areas
subarachnoid space
brain parenchyma
usually in wolves the temporal and parietal areas of the brain
patient will always have rhinorrhea due to opening to brain via
fracture of orbital plate/frontal bone
can cause racoon/panda bear eyes
fracture of orbital plate/frontal bone
always an opening to the brain predisposing to infection
fracture of orbital plate/frontal bone
results in battle sign
fracture of pyramid of temporal bone
leakage of CSF from ear
fracture of pyramid of temporal bone can result in