Papers Flashcards
What is the structure usually followed in research papers?
What is IMRaD?
What verb tense is used in the abstract and introduction for aims and hypothesis?
past tense
What verb tense is used in the introduction for existing evidence?
What verb tense is used in the methods/results?
simple past
What verb tense is used in the discussion?
simple present + simple past
What verb tense is used in the result analysis?
What verb tense is used in the captions/legends?
Where is the abstract found?
Before the introduction, even though it is written last
How many words should the title be?
maximum 15 words
Which punctuation can be used in the title?
NEVER full stop
What is declarative title?
states the main finding of the study in itself
What is an indicative title?
Gives the purpose of the study
What is the short running title?
A shorter version of main title at top of every non-title page
How long should the short-running title be?
List the 4 rules regarding abbreviations
- Explain abbreviations when first used in text
- Only abbreviate terms used throughout the manuscript
- Punctuate latin abbreviations
- Avoid using abbreviations at the beginning of sentences
Structure of the paper
Authors Names and Affiliations
Kew words and main abbreviations used
List of references
Definition of an author
Someone who contributes substantially to the conception, design, data, collection and interpretation, drafting and revision of text, approval or final version for submission
Who is the corresponding author?
Submits the paper online+ Responds to reviewers’ suggestions and comments + answers readers’ questions after publication
Who is the project chief/senior scientist?
guarantees a scientific quality of work
How are authors listed?
- Corresponding author
- Authors listed in order of contribution
- Project chief/senior scientist
what is the standard length of a manuscript?
4000 words
What is the abstract?
Free to read with no charge
Brief statement of results and conclusions of the paper
might stimulate readers to invest time and money in reading the study
What information should the abstract contain?
- what are the objectives of the study were
- how the study was done
- what results were obtained
- Significance of results
What are the 2 types of abstracts?
Descriptive Abstract
Structured abstract [preferred]
how long should a structured abstract be?
400 words
how long should a descriptive paragraph be?
250 words
What does the introduction do?
Outlines the purpose, scope, plan of your investigation and justifies its importance: describes the present state of knowledge on the topic and introduces the questions your study investigates
What should the results NEVER do?
Should never repeat data in text and in tables/graphs
What happens in the discussion?
interprets rather than restates your results, compares your work with already existing studies, limitations and anomalies
Where is the list of references found?
At the end of every paper
What is the covering letter?
Can help overcome the editorial phase
How long should the covering letter be?
200 words
What must be included in the covering letter?
- editor’s name; journal titel and street adress
- data of submitting author
- manuscript title
- category
- list of authors
- statement: ‘no previous publication’ or ‘not under review elsewhere’
What is In-house review?
You invite comments from uninvolved colleagues
How is the peer-review procedure conducted?
Blinded procedure: authors do not know the reviewers. the reviewers do not know the authors
What comments do reviewers give?
- comments for authors
- comments to the editor [accept or reject]