pancreas and biliary neoplasia Flashcards
most common exocrine pancreatic neoplasma
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma:
- begins
- survival rate
- location
- pain? jaundice?
- begins in ductal epithelium with panln- pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia
- 5yr survival rate
- head of pancreas
- painless jaundice
benign tumor of multiple small cysts 1-3mm in diameter giving “honeycombed” appearance
serous cystadenoma
serous cystadenoma
- previously known as
- histo
- malignant potential
- resect
- microcystic serous cystadenoma
- cyst lined by single layer of cuboidal cells
- no malignant potential
- only resect if causing symptoms due to size
cyst involves main pancreatic duct causing massive pancreatic duct dilation and irregularity
main duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
cyst involves side branch of pancreatic ductal system
branch duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm:
- cyst communicates with
- produces
- location
- histo
- more aggressive?
- mono or multi-focal
- treatment
- cyst communicates with pancreatic duct
- mucin producing
- head of pancreas
- epithelial lining to the cyst with varying degrees of hyperplasia and dysplasia
- main duct IPMN is more aggressive
- multifocal
- surgical resection for main duct IPMN and depends on size for branch duct IPMN
large mucin filled cysts lined by columnar epithelium similar to mucinous cystadenomas in ovary
mucinous cystic neoplasm
mucinous cystic neoplasm
- location
- involvement of ductal system
- malignancy potential
- stroma of cystic lesion is estrogen receptor
- treatment
- 95% in body and tail of pancreas
- do not involve the ductal system
- may progress to malignancy in 1/3
- stroma of cystic lesion is estrogen receptor positive
- treatment is surgical resection
1-2% of all pancreatic tumors that is single discrete tumor of islet cells
neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas
most common neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas
beta cell tumor- insulinoma syndrome
endocrine neoplasia only real criteria of malignancy
- demonstration of metastases and invasion of surrounding organs and tissues
- no definitve cytologic features distinguish benign from malignant behavior
gallbladder adenoma
- detected
- malignancy potential
- detected incidentally through either cholecystectomies or ultrasound
- pre-malignant lesion: risk for malignant transformation increases with size and villous pattern on histo
gallbladder adenomyoma
- what is it?
- malignancy potential
- benign, small, solitary mass in fundus of gallbladder
2. no risk of progression to malignancy
interesting fact about gallbladder adenocarcinoma
gallbladder cancer occurs in <1% of patients with gallstones but 90% with cancer have cancer
- risk factor
- type
- locater
- symptoms
- histo
- primary sclerosing cholangitis
- adenocarcinoma
- located perihilar at junction of left and right hepatic ducts— klatskin tumors
- present with jaundice
- microscopic features similar to pancreatic and gallbladder