Liver disease Flashcards
virtually all known acute/chronic hepatic injury patterns can results from drugs/toxins
NAFLD may be morphologically indistinguishable from ALD
histologic spectrum of NAFLD (3)
- simple steatosis
- steatohepatitis
- NASH and progressive fibrosis
mutations of genes encoding HFE
hereditary hemochromatosis
hereditary hemochromatosis
reduced synthesis/activity of hepcidin which results in uncontrolled small bowel Fe absorption
- increased serum trnasferrin saturation
- increased serum ferritin
hereditary hemochromatosis:
- symptoms appear in
____ decade - classic triad
- 5th- 6th decade
2. classic triad: cirrhosis, diabetes, skin pigmentation
- inheritance pattern
- what is it
- mutation
- accumulation is
- increased/decreased serum ceruloplasmin
- complication
- treatment
- autosomal recessive
- deposition of copper
- encodes a transmembrane Cu-transporting ATPase on canalicular membrane
- it is toxic due to oxidative injury from free radicals formation
- decreased
- fulminant liver
- chelation
kayser-fleischer ring
wilson’s disease
chronic biliary diseases can progress to
biliary tract diseases
- secondary
- primary
- secondary: extrahepatic biliary obstruction with gallstones, tumors or biliary atresia
- primary: autoimmune cholcangiopathies like PBC and PSC
primary biliary cholangitis/cirrhosis involves what part of the liver
intrahepatic bile ducts (autoimmune)
primary sclerosing cholangitis involves what part of the liver and is associated with
both intra and extra-hepatic bile ducts
- IBD associated
non- suppurative granulomas cholangitis that results in florid duct lesion
primary bile cholangitis
primary bile cholangitis
- occurs in
- onset
- autoantibodies
- treatment
- serology
- occurs in middle aged women
- insidious onset
- AMA ab (antimitochondrial)
- increased alk. phos
- positive AMA
localized aggregate of epithelioid macrophages that is either necrotizing or non-nectrotizing that is due to either an infectious cause such as mycobacteria or non-infectious causes like sarcoidosis
granulomatous hepatitis
primary sclerosing cholangitis:
- what is it
- occurs in
- association with
- diagnosis from
- increased risk of
- radiology
- serology
- autoimmune dysregulation of T-lymphocytes
- occurs in middle aged males
- association with IBD
- diagnosis from ERCP and MRCP
- increased risk of bile duct cholangiocarcinoma and GB and colon cancers
- strictures and beading of large bile ducts; pruning of smaller ducts
- positive ANCA
benign neoplasm of hepatocytes that results in non-cirrhotic liver but may rupture and bleed. there is rare malignant transformation from a beta-catenin mutation
hepatocellular adenoma
hyperplastic tumor-like growth of hepatocytes with nodular regenerative response to localized vascular perfusion abn.
focal nodular hyperplasia
central stellate scar
focal nodular hyperplasia
hepatic mass lesion resulting in a cirrhosis liver results in
hepatic mass lesion resulting in a non- cirrhosis liver
- age<50
- age>50
- age<50: hepatocellular adenoma
2. age>50: metastases