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(MUL) Pathomorphology
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(P3) Flashcards
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(MUL) Pathomorphology
(57 decks)
Chap 1 Cell Injury & Necrosis
(P2) Infect dis: Candidiasis (the oesophagus)
(P2) Infect dis (cytomegalic inclusion disease- the Kidney)
(P2) Infect Dis: Rhinoscleroma (the nasal cavity)
(P2) Inf. disease: Actinomycosis (the oral cavity) (217)
(P2) Inf. Dis: Aspergillosis (the lung) (219)
(P2) Inf. Dis: Cryptococcosis (the lung) (mucicarmine) (320)
(P2) Inf. Dis: Trichinellosis (the skeletal muscle) (222)
(P2) Inf. Dis: Schistosomiasis (the urinary bladder) (224)
(P2) Dis of Imm: Lupus nephritis (357)
(P2) Dis. of Imm: Rheumatoid nodule (the skin) (215)
(P2) Dis. of Imm: Scleroderma (the skin)
(P2) Dis. of Imm: Polymyositis
(P2) Dis. of Imm: Polyarteritis nodosa (the heart) (268)
(P2) Dis. of Imm: Hashimoto thyroiditis (459)
(P2) Dis. of Imm: Amyloidosis (the kidney) (H/E) (362); Congo Red (374)
(P4) Cardiac: Organizing Myocardial Infarct (251)
(P4) Cardiac: Myocardial infarction
(P4) Cardiac: Interstitial Myocarditis
(P4) Cardiac: Rheumatic Myocarditis
(P4) Cardiac: Uremic cardiomyopathy
(P4) Cardiac: Rheumatic endocarditis
(P4) Cardiac: Endocardial fibroelastosis
(P4) Cardiac: Tuberculous pericarditis
(P4) Cardiac: Pericardial metastases (squamous cell carcinoma of the lung)
(P4) Cardiac: Adipositas cordis
(P4) Cardiac: Atheromatous plaque of the aorta (H&E) & (Sudan)
(P4) Cardiac: Hyaline arteriolosclerosis of the kidney
(P4) Cardiac: Malignant nephrosclerosis (H&E) & (Azan)
(P4) Cardiac: Polyarteritis nodosa (the kidney)
(P4) Cardiac: Hemorrhoidal varices
(P4) Cardiac: Capillary hemangioma (the skin)
(P4) Cardiac: Kaposi’s sarcoma (the skin)
(P4) Resp. Patho: Chronic congestion of the lung (brown induration)
(P4) Resp. Patho: Emphysema of the lung
(P4) Resp Pathos: Bronchopneumonia
(P4) Resp Patho: Interstitial pneumonia
(P4) Resp Patho: Fibrocaseous tuberculosis of the lung
(P4) Resp Pathos: Tuberculoma
(P4) Resp Patho: Sarcoidosis of the lung
(P4) Resp Patho: Silicosis of the lung
(P4) Resp Patho: Pulmonary hamartoma
(P5) Urinary system pathology-Slides
(P5) Endocrine glands pathology-Slides
(P5) Alimentary system pathology-Slides
(P6) Diseases of infancy and chilhood
(P6) Breast Pathology
(P6) Female genital system pathology (a)
(P6) Female genital system pathology (b)
(P6) Male genital system pathology
(P6) Practical Q's
(P7) Nervous Syst. Path. (Lab 26)
(P7) Skin pathology (Lab27)
(P7) Bones and joints pathology/Soft tissue tumors (Lab 28)
(P7) Lymphoid system pathology (Lab 29)
(Lab 30) Bone marrow pathology