(P2) Dis. of Imm: Scleroderma (the skin) Flashcards
- Name this slide :)*
- Name the pinkish/purple outline on the*
- surface of slide*
- What strucute is missing at the Stratum Basale?*

Scleroderma (the skin)
- 1.* thin atrophic epidermis
- Loss of rete pegs*

name this slide :)
- Name all the that apply to the*
- observation of this slide*

Scleroderma (the skin)
- Thin atropic epiderms*
- Loss of Rete Pegs*
- In the Dermis- no appandages (hair follicles)*
- Wave like collagen deposits*

Scleroderma (the skin)
What parts of the body does this affect?
Name this slide :)
Define CREST Syndrome

C - Calcinosis (calcium deposits in skin)
R - Raynaud Phenomenon,
E- Esophageal dysmotility (acid reflex, increased motility of esophagous)
S- Sclerodactylyl (thickening and tightening of the sking on the fingers and hands)
T- Teleangiectasia (dilaton of capillaries causing red marks on surface of the skin)
Define Rete Pegs in
Scleroderma (the skin)
Epithelial extentions that project into underlying connective tissue

Scleroderma (the skin)
Q. Give staining method useful indetection fo late stage?
Van Gieson
SS- Systemic Scleroderma
Systemic scleroderma, or systemic sclerosis,
- autoimmune rheumatic disease characterised by excessive production and accumulation of collagen, called fibrosis, in the skin and internal organs and by injuries to small arteries (vasculopathy=disease of blood vessels)*
- There are 2 major subgroups of systemic sclerosis based on the extent of skin involvement: limited and diffuse.*