Other Sociologist Education Studies Flashcards
What did Evans say?
Working class culture is not inferior
According to Smith and Noble, what type of atmosphere might working class students not have?
A quiet working atmosphere
According to Smith and Noble, what piece of furniture might working class children not have?
A desk
What did Ridge say working class students have to do?
Take up jobs
Which sociologists said material deprivation is barriers to learning?
Smith and Noble
What do Smith and Noble say is the result of barriers to learning for WC students?
They do not do as well in school
Which sociologist said working class students are more likely to wear unbranded clothing
What does Evans say instead causes working class children to not do well in school?
Their parents do not use normal learning techniques
What does Tanner say is the impact for working class students of wearing unbranded clothes?
They are bullied
What will be the impact for working class students having to take jobs on their education?
They will have less time to study
According to Ridge, why do working class students have to take up jobs?
To support their families
Which sociologist found working class people will attend local universities?
According to Reay, which type of universities will working class students be missing out on by doing this?
Russell Group Universities
According to Reay, why do working class people go to local universities?
It is cheaper
In Payne’s study, who did better - moderate intelligence middle class students or very bright working class students?
Moderate intelligence middle class students
What did Payne find middle class parents were able to do for their children?
Get tutors for them