All Functionalist Education Studies Flashcards
Why did Durkheim say the education system regulates anomie in terms of the organic analogy?
The education system is an important part of society
What does Durkheim say is prevented in society through the education system?
According to Durkheim, how is the education system a microcosm of society?
It mirrors the norms and values of mainstream society
What concept did Parsons create saying school helped to go from family life to mainstream society?
School acted as a bridge
According to Parsons, which standards to parents apply to their children?
Particularistic standards
What are particularistic standards?
Ones where people are treated as unique
According to Parsons, which standards do schools apply to students?
Universalistic standards
What are Universalistic standards?
Ones where everyone is treated equally
Why do Universalistic standards prepare students for mainstream society?
It is how they will be treated in mainstream society
What did Davis and Moore say school does?
Role allocation
According to Davis and Moore, how do schools do role allocation?
According to Davis and Moore, what does the education system do for all pupils to make sure they have the right job?
Sort and sift them
What would it mean if someone did well in maths exams in terms of their future job?
They would be more likely to become an accountant
What did Davis and Moore say schools teach students to value?
Deferred gratification
What is immediate gratification?
When people get rewards instantly