Ortho Flashcards
Order of ossification in elbow
CRITOL C - capitulum R - radial head epiphysis I - internal epicondyle T - trochlea O - olecranon L - lateral epicondyle
Plane joints
sliding or gliding movements across surface of one another eg. ACJ
uniaxial that passes transversely through the joint - elbow
Pivot joint
uniaxial that passes longitudinally along shaft of bone, permit rotation eg. atlanto-axial joint
Bicondylar joint
movement mostly in one axis with limited roation around second axis, formed by two convex condyles that articulate with concave or flat surface eg. knee joint
Condylar (ellipsoid joint)
movement around two axes that are right angles to each other eg. flexion/extension + adduction/abduction. eg wrist joint
Saddle joints -
movement around two axes that are right angles to each other, allows flexion, extension, abduction, adduction and circumduction eg. CPC joint of thumb
Ball and socket
movement around multiple axes - flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, circumduction and rotation eg hip joint
Fibrous joints
Sutures, gomphoses and syndesmoses
Only in skull
Between teeth and adjacent bone
two adjacent bones linked by ligament - eg ligamentum flavum and interosseous membrane
Cartilaginous joints
Synchondroses and symphyses
Two ossification centers separated by layer of cartilage eg. growth plate between head and shaft of developing long bones. These joints allow bone growth and eventually becomes completely ossified
two bones connected by cartilage eg. pubic symphysis between two pelvic bones and intervertebral discs between vertebrae
Cervical vertebrae
Has foramen in transverse process called foramen transversarium. Body is squared shape, concave superior surface and convex inferior surface.
Bifid spinous process.
Triangular vertebral foramen,
thoracic vertebrae
Two demifacets. Superior > inferior
Superior demifacet - articulate with head of own rib.
Inferior demifacet - articulate with head of rib below.
Vertebral body is heart-shaped.
Verterbral foramen is circular.
Lumbar vertebrae
LV vertebrae has massive and cone-shaped transverse process for attachment of iliolumbar ligaments to pelvic bones.
Vertebral body is cylindrical.
Vertebral foramen is triangular in shape.
Concave anterior surface. Convex posterior surface.
Zygapophysial joints
Cervical - sloping from anterior to posterior allowing flexion and extension
Thoracic - vertical limiting flexion and extension allowing for rotation
Lumbar - Wrapped around limiting movement
Ligamenta flava
Passes between lamina of each vertebrae, forms posterior wall of vertebral canal.
Supraspinous ligament
From CVII to sacrum. Connects spinous process posteriorly
Ligamentum nuchae
Base of triangle attached to skull, from external occipital protuberance to the foramen magnum.
Apex attached to tip of spinous process of CVII.
Supports the head and resists flexion and assists returning head to extension.
Interspinous ligament
Passes between adjacent spinous process, connects to supraspinous ligament posteriorly, ligamentum flavum anteriorly.
Commonest site for pas interarticularis fractures
L4 and L5 levels.