Neck Flashcards
Fascial spaces as a conduit for spread of infection from neck to mediastinum
pretracheal space
retropharyngeal space
third space
External jugular vein formed by
posterior auricular vein retromandibular vein (formed from superficial temporal and maxillary veins)
Retromandibular vein anterior division
joins facial vein to form common facial vein which drains into internal jugular vein
Retromandibular vein posterior division
Joins posterior auricular vein which drains into external jugular vein
External jugular vein track
Passes down neck superficial to sternocleidomastoid, crossing diagonally as it descends.
Just superior to clavicle and posterior to sternocleidomatois, pierces cervical fascia and passes deep to clavicle and enters subclavian vein
Smaller triangles of anterior triangle of the neck
Suprahyoid muscles
Infrahyoid muscles
Omohyoid (superior belly in anterior triangle, inferior belly in posterior triangle)
Everything supplied by ansa cervicalis (C1-3) except for thyrohyoid (branch from anterior ramus of C1 carried along hypoglossal nerve)
Internal jugular vein
begins as a dilated continuation of sigmoid sinus
Receives inferior petrosal sinus soon after it is formed
Exits through jugular foramen
Internal jugular vein relationship to internal carotid artery
IJV initially posterior to ICA, but passes to a more lateral position farther down
Remains lateral to common carotid artery trough te rest of neck with vagus nerve posterior and between the two vessels
Thyroid gland
Two lateral lobes (covers trachea, cricoid cartilage and lower part of thyroid cartilage)
Isthmus (crosses anterior surface of 2nd and 3rd tracheal cartilage)
Lies deep to sternohyoid, sternothyroid and omohyoid
Lies inside pretracheal fascia with phraynx, trachea and oesophagus
Arterial supply to thyroid gland
2 arteries
Superior thyroid artery
Inferior thyroid artery
Inferior thyroid artery
Branch of thyrocervical trunk (from first part of subclavian artery)
Branches of inferior thyroid artery
Divides into inferior branch (supply lower part of thyroid gland) and ascending branch (supply parathyroid)
Venous drainage of thyroid gland
superior thyroid vein
middle thyroid vein
inferior thyroid vein
Superior and middle drain into IJV
Inferior drain directly into brachiocephalic vein
Lymphatic drainage of thyroid gland
paratracheal nodes
deep cervical nodes inferior to omohyoid muscle
Right recurrent laryngeal nerve
Loops around subclavian artery on the right
Ascends between trachea and oesophagus
left recurrent laryngeal nerve
loops around arch of aorta on the left
Ascends between trachea and oesophagus
Parathyroid glands
Develop from third (inferior) and fourth (superior) pharyngeal pouches
Posterior surface of thyroid gland
First part of subclavian artery
medial to scalenus anterior
Branches of first part of subclavian artery
Verterbral artery
Internal thoracic artery
Thyrocervical trunk (inferior thyroid artery, transverse cervical artery, suprascapular arteries)
second part of subclavian artery
Between scalenus anterior and scalenus medius
Branches of second part of subclavian artery
Costocervical trunk
third part of subclavian artery
Emerges from lateral side between scalenus anterior and medius, before changing into axillary artery after crossing lateral border of rib I
branches from third part of subclavian artery
dorsal scapular artery
Position of subclavian vein in posterior triangle
It is anterior to, and slightly lower than subclavian artery and passes anterior to scalenus anterior
Nerves in posterior triangle
Accessory nerve
Branches from cervical plexus
Branches of brachial plexus
Phrenic nerve in posterior triangle
Continues inferiorly across anterior surface of scalenus anterior and is pinned there by transverse cervical artery and suprascapular artery
Vagus nerve in root of neck
Anterior to subclavian artery
Posterior to subclavian vein
(in between subclavian vessels)
Thoracic duct in thoracic cavity
Thoracic aorta on its eft
Azygos vein on its right
Oesophagus anteriorly
Passes to the left at thoracic vertebrae V and continues to ascend just to the left of oesophagus
Arching laterally it passes posterior to the carotid sheath and turns inferiorly in front of thyrocervical trunk, phrenic nerve and vertebral artery
Thoracic duct in neck
Terminates in unction betwen left IJV and left subclavian vein
Superficial lymph nodes in head
Occipital nodes (posterior scalp and neck) Mastoid nodes (posterior to ear) pre-auricular and parotid nodes (auricle, anterolateral scalp, upper half of face, eyelids and cheeks) submandibular nodes (facial artery, teeth, tongue, gingivae) Submental nodes (center part of lower lip, tip of tongue, lower incisor teeth, chin, floor of mouth)
Deep cervical nodes
Along IJV
Jugulodigastric node
Jugulo-omohyoid node